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Henna for hair: know its benefits and how to apply the product

Hair henna has been used a lot to pigment the hair, especially by vegan women, since it is 100% plant-based. The product can be used for toning or permanent coloring and does not harm the hair. See more information and if it is worth investing in this method. Check out:

Henna: what it is and its effect

Henna is extracted from the leaves of the Lawsonia inermis plant, native to North Africa and South Asia. The powder extracted from the crushing of the leaves has the power to pigment, tone and treat the hair. Because it is natural, it does not damage the hair and still promotes hair treatment. It is important to use 100% natural henna so as not to compromise its effectiveness and thus guarantee the expected result.

How to prepare and use henna on hair

Preparing henna powder is very simple: we will teach you step by step and how to apply the product. Look!


  1. In a plastic or ceramic container, mix the henna powder and gradually add 140 ml of warm water;
  2. Mix well until obtaining a homogeneous paste;
  3. Wash your hair with a neutral shampoo to remove all the oil;
  4. Divide the hair into sections and apply the product from the root to the ends;
  5. After going through all the hair, put on a plastic cap and let it act according to the time indicated in the color chart on the package (usually 20 to 40 minutes);
  6. Rinse well to remove all residue. The ideal is to use a post-henna hair moisturizing cream, which helps to fix the color for longer.
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where to buy your henna

Henna for hair can be found at many cosmetics stores. We have selected the best ones to help you choose yours. Check out!

  1. Henna Powder From India – Iara Henna – 100g, at Elo7
  2. 100% Natural Indian Henna Home From India 100g For Hair, in the Free Market
  3. Weleda Henna – Toning Powder 60g, at Mercado Livre
  4. Himalaya Henna Cream at Ikesaki
  5. Cosmeceuta Henna Cream Tincture, at Rede Stores

Before applying henna, it is advisable to clear all your doubts, to define if this is the best pigmentation technique for your hair.

Top questions about henna

We consulted the hairdresser Nina Canela, who clarified doubts about the use of henna and its benefits. Follow:

What is the effect of henna on gray hair? According to the hairdresser, “it can be used, but with great care, as the pigmentation can reach an unwanted color, usually reaching orange or copper tones. By choosing the right shade, henna does cover gray hair naturally.”

Can you apply henna on dyed hair? “Henna is 100% natural and can be used on any type of hair, including dyed strands”, explains Nina.

Does henna straighten your hair? Henna does not straighten hair and, according to the hairdresser, “many people confuse it, because there is a straightener with a very similar name, called ʽhenneʼ; this one smoothes and is not compatible with any chemistry”.

Can I use henna to change hair color? “Yes, but each hair type reacts differently and achieves a different pigmentation. People with lighter tones tend to have slightly orange or copper hair. In very dark hair, coppery highlights are only noticeable in sunlight. The ideal is to use henna first and then apply the desired coloring herb”, guides Nina.

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Can henna be used to lighten hair? No, because Henna’s function is to pigment the wires, it does not act as a bleaching agent or lighten the wires.

How long on average does henna last without fading? Powdered henna lasts an average of 20 to 30 washes.

How important is it to use 100% natural henna? “Henna for hair is widely used by women with a vegan habit and offers many benefits: it gives shine and thickens the hair, reduces frizz, colors white hair, has bactericidal and fungicidal action (helps keep the scalp healthy), in addition to giving freedom in choosing shades”, completes the hairdresser.

Did you clear your doubts? It is very important to use 100% natural henna, to rule out a possible allergic reaction and to achieve the desired tone.

Before and after and tips

Watch videos with tutorials and preparation tips below to learn how to apply henna. Watch!

1. How to apply henna powder to hair

See, in this video, how to prepare henna powder and the step by step to apply it. Also check the result!

2. Toning hair with henna

Learn how to tone and moisturize your hair using henna. In the video, you will also find tips on how to prepare the product to achieve the desired tone and how to apply it without staining your hair.

3. Enhancing the red tone with henna

Red is a shade that fades very easily. With henna, in addition to enhancing the color, you will strengthen and give shine to the wires. Follow up!

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As we could see, henna for hair is a product that offers many benefits, mainly because it is natural. If you are one of those who love to change their hair color, be sure to check out the hair color simulator to get the tone right.

Erika Balbino

Graduated in Letters and post-graduated in Digital Journalism. Passionate about books, plants and animals. She loves to travel and research other cultures. She writes on a variety of subjects, especially health, wellness, beauty and behavior.

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