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Goethe: most important love poems

Goethe: most important love poems.

GoetheJohann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)—was one of the best German romantic poets. While it is true that his greatest contribution to the movement came through the novel, his love poems (Liebesgedichte) were essential in defining the main romanticism.

In this segment we will give an account of the best love poems of Goethean author who has left an indelible mark on Western poetry.

Goethe’s love poems.

Restless Love (Rastlose liebe) Wanderers Nachtlied (Wanderers Nachtlied) Roman Elegies (Römische Elegien) The Mirror of the Muse (Spiegel der muse) The King of the Elves (Der Erlkönig) The King of Thule (Der König in Thule) The Dance of Death (Der totentanz) Lament at Dawn (Klaggensang) The Bride of Corinth (Die Braut von Corinth)The first modern Vampire: analysis of Goethe’s “The Bride of Corinth.” Night Thoughts (Nachtgedanken)
Love against will (Liebe wider Willen)
orphaned love (Verwaiste Liebe)
Annette (Annette)
Welcome and goodbye (Willkommen und Abschied)
Close to the lover (Nähe des Geliebten)
Echo (Nachklang)
The lover writes (The lover writes)
The lover, however (Die Liebende abermals)
The boatman (Der Wassermann)
Marienbad Elegy (Marienbad Elegy)
Roman elegies (Römische Elegien)
The couch of east and west (Westöstlicher Diwan)
The unfaithful (Der untreue Knabe)
The king in Thule (Der König in Thule)
The sacrifice that love brings (Das Opfer, das die Liebe bringt)
Found (Gefunden)
You’re mine (Du bist mein)
I’m so in love with her (Bin so in Lieb zu ihr versunken)
Herman and Dorothy (Hermann and Dorothea)
Game (Spiel)
The beautiful night (Die schöne Night)
The first night of Walpurgis (Die erste Walpurgisnacht)
You did it to me a long time ago (Du hattest längst mir’s angetan)
Mignon (Mignon)
lover’s monologue (Monolog des Liebhabers)
need for love (Liebebedürfnis)
I don’t know if I love you (Ob ich dich liebe, weiß ich nicht)
New love, new life (Neue Liebe, neues Leben)
Prometheus (Prometheus)
Stay with me (Bleibe, bleibe bei mir)
Who buys gods of love (Wer kauft Liebesgötter)
Rose of the bush (Heidenröslein)
If the eyes are (Ha, die Augen warens)
Submerged (Versunken)
Naughty and happy (Frech und froh)

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