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Exercises to strengthen the bye muscle –

The dreaded and known “bye muscle” is one of the least used muscles by our body, you know? In everyday life, we use it in few activities. Therefore, if not worked on, the tendency is for the region to accumulate fat and become even flaccid.

However, you can change the scenery! The physiotherapist Ana Luisa Marçal, director of the Pilates Institute (Guarulhos unit), says that the secret is to bet on exercises for the triceps (the muscle responsible for extending the elbow).

And the possibilities are countless: you can make movements with dumbbells, springs, on the floor, on devices, lying down or standing up. “I always tell my friends and patients that it’s important to start stimulating the region as soon as possible”, she says.

Of course, follow-up by a professional is essential to avoid injuries, but if you want to start at home, the specialist indicates the movements:

Exercises for the bye muscles

1 – Arm flexion

(Ivan Samkov/Pexels)

Do a plank, with your legs together and arms extended and resting on the palms of your hands. On your toes, bend your elbows and go down without touching the floor. Climb back up, stretching your arms. Do 3 series of 15 exercises, with intervals of 20 to 30 seconds between them.

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2 – Triceps on the bench

(Luciano Munhoz/Luciano Munhoz)

Stand with your back to a chair and your hands resting on the seat. Lower your body by bending your elbows. Return to the original position and repeat 3 series of 15 exercises, always resting 20 to 30s between each one.

3 – Unilateral French Triceps

Standing (feet parallel) or sitting, hold a weight in one hand and raise your arm straight above your head.

With the other hand, hold the arm close to the body so that it does not move and bend the elbow of the extended arm, forming a 90° angle.

Return to the starting position and repeat 15 times. Rest and repeat with the other arm. Do 3 sets with each arm.

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