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Everything you need to know about herbal baths before making your own

The herbal bath is an ancient and ancient practice. A study pointed out that the first records of baths are from India, dating from 2000 BC In Brazil, they are commonly used in religions of African origin, in pajelança and in different strands of witchcraft. Keep reading and find out more about it.

What is the herbal bath for?

An herbal bath can be used for different purposes. To cleanse, energize, attract prosperity, self-esteem and much more. At the end of a herbal bath it is common to feel a feeling of relaxation or more energy. Check out the main uses below.

Cleaning and unloading bath

One of the most performed baths is cleaning and unloading. The most used herbs for this case are rue, eucalyptus, sage, basil, cloves and rosemary. It is also possible to use coarse salt together in some cases.

bath for prosperity

Prosperity can be ritualized with the help of an herbal bath. We can use bay leaves, cinnamon, marigold, yellow rose and other yellow flowers. In religions of African origin, the color yellow refers to Oxum, orixá of abundance and prosperity. Yellow is also the color of gold, so plants of this color can be used in attractant baths.

Bath for self-esteem

Self-love can also be strengthened with an herbal bath. We usually use flowers to work on this issue. The most used are roses, of all colors, jasmine, geranium and hibiscus.

Bath to energize

When energy is low and there is a lot of feeling tired, an energizing bath can be ideal. In this case we can use rosemary, thyme, cherry, fragrant spices like cloves, star anise and cardamom and even fruits like oranges and apples.

bath for love

Love in its different definitions can be worked with herbal baths. Baths of charm can be made with roses, hibiscus and other flowers or red fruits to make room for the arrival of love. But baths with lavender, chamomile, mulungu and other calming herbs can also be used to strengthen family love and dissolve quarrels.

Herbal baths can be made for different purposes and these were just a few suggestions. Knowing the magical properties of herbs and using intuition is essential to know which ones to use in baths.

How to make a herbal bath

In some religions, only the people in charge can prepare the herbal baths. However, they can be done by anyone, even those who do not practice any religion or are from others who do not. Anyway, it is necessary to have the knowledge of herbs and also consecrate before preparing. So, with the herbs already consecrated, check out the step by step:

Set aside time without interruptions

Make sure you won’t be interrupted while you’re doing your herbal bath. It’s a moment just for you, in touch with the wisdom of herbs. If you wish, you can light an incense and set up an altar in your bathroom with the items you have: candles, magical objects and whatever you want.

prepare the infusion

Heat between 500ml and 1l of water, when it boils, turn off the heat and add the herbs. Cover and leave to infuse for at least 5 minutes. In the meantime, take your hygienic shower as usual.

Visualize your intention while taking the herbal bath

When you finish your toilet bath, throw the bath from head to toe. As you play, mentalize your intentions. They are the ones who will make the purpose of your bath flow with the help of herbs. If your bath has coarse salt, pour it from the neck down. Some religions also do not allow the use of herbal baths on the head, in which case the belief is respected and herbal baths are used from the neck down.

respect your process

It is common for cleansing and flushing herbal baths to cause sleep after being done. Therefore, set aside a time when you can rest, such as before bed. The ones that bring energy can wake you up and you can feel super willing to do a lot of things later. Therefore, it is essential to respect your process and welcome the feelings and sensations that arise afterwards.

the disposal of herbs

After taking the herbal bath, you have three main ways to dispose of it. The first is to dry the herbs and when they are dry, smoke your house with them. The second is to return it to the earth as a form of gratitude. But if none of them is possible, you can dispose of it in the organic waste.

If you are learning to work with herbs, this step-by-step guide can help you start preparing your baths. Otherwise, a good option is to buy your bath ready, made by herbalists who have the knowledge.

In addition, this step by step is just one of the ways to make herbal baths from the infusion. In addition, it is possible to do by decoction and maceration. Check out the videos in this article to better understand the different ways to prepare baths.

5 tips to make your herbal bath easier

The wisdom of herbs in spirituality is extensive and much is not written, as it is more of an oral tradition than a recorded one. However, a few simple tips can help you get started. Check out!

  • Quantity: 5 tablespoons full for every liter of water is a good amount, but there is no right amount. Use your intuition to put a little more or less than that. If using more than one herb, remember to divide that amount between the herbs.
  • Variety: do not mix herbs that have very different properties. For example, lavender and mugwort. Also, for those starting out, the best thing to do is prepare baths with just one herb and after more experience, try combining herbs in the same bath.
  • The moon and baths: the waning moon is the ideal phase for cleansing baths, detachment and banishing. The new moon is ideal for baths that favor beginnings, that bring strength, focus and joy. The crescent moon for expansive baths, whatever you wish to grow will grow larger in this phase. The full moon is ideal for attracting baths, gratitude, love, intuition, among others. Although the moon is a factor that greatly influences bathing, you don’t have to do it only in these phases. Just don’t ritualize the energy of the moon. Instead, you can ritualize the energy of the sun, for example.
  • Best times: Cleansing baths should preferably be done before bed or at times when you don’t need to release energy after bathing. Expansive baths are best in the morning or midday, avoiding before bed. For others, any time, you can follow your intuition to decide.
  • Fresh or dried herbs: the two baths have the same properties, what changes is the way of preparation. For fresh herbs it is necessary to macerate and leave to “soak” for a few hours before preparation.

Working with herbs is also working with intuition. There are fundamentals, but they are not rigid and intuition has a very special place in the preparation of baths.

Learn more about herbal bath

Finally, videos are also great ways to learn about herbal baths. Check out more ways to make the bath in addition to what we have listed below, some magical purposes of herbs and also the history of this ritual.

5 ways to make a herbal bath

This video is a complete class on herbal baths for beginners. In it you will learn about quantities and 5 different ways of preparation. Watch the video to understand which one is best for each type of herb.

Herbs and their uses

One of the most important steps to learn to make herbal baths is to know the purposes of most of them. From this video, you can even look for the ones you already have at home to prepare. Check out the video and learn the best herbs for love, cleansing, prosperity, among other purposes.

The history of herbal baths

To work with herbs it is also essential to know the ancestral traditions behind them. Thus, it is possible to honor this ancient wisdom and go deeper in knowledge. Watch the video and get informed.

In addition to written content and videos, to learn about herbs you can get information from herbalists, healers, even an elderly woman in your family can have this knowledge to pass on to you. And if you’re interested in the subject, also check out how tarot can help you get to know yourself better.

The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.

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