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Dry belly juice: discover 13 healthy juices and say shoo to the fat

Learn how to make your belly dry juice healthy and naturally! These liquids act with nutrients, acids, fibers and minerals that detoxify the body, accelerate metabolism, facilitate digestion, decrease appetite and stimulate the burning of body fat. Surprise yourself with 13 tasty and multifunctional recipes that, combined with healthy habits, will dry your belly.

1. Juice with apple and cabbage

Check out this healthy belly-dry juice recipe that can make you lose up to 4 pounds. In the preparation, you will need cabbage leaves without the stalk, apple, lemon juice and water. Cabbage leaves are very rich in calcium, a mineral that blocks fat enzymes.

2. Juice with apple and lettuce

This juice dries belly with apple and lettuce is excellent for deflating the body and eliminating toxins, so it’s perfect to be ingested after fasting and as the first meal of the day, to clean the body.

3. Juice with apple and green tea

Lose your belly healthy with this belly dry juice recipe with apple and green tea. The result is a juice that accelerates metabolism and burns abdominal and body fat. Try it right now, it’s delicious!

4. Juice with cucumber and cabbage

In addition to deflating the body, the belly dries juice with cucumber, cabbage and apple has nutrients specialized in burning fat. After overeating, drinking the juice will detoxify and reduce the size of your abdomen.

5. Juice with parsley and cabbage

Discover this belly dry juice recipe that you can see the effects in a week! With lemon, cabbage, parsley, ginger, orange juice and water, you can enjoy a healthy, nutritious, thermogenic juice rich in vitamin C.

6. Juice with pineapple and cabbage

Every ingredient in this tummy dry juice will be able to provide a lot of flavor, nutrition and decrease tummy bloat. Pineapple has enzymes that deflate your body, cabbage is rich in fiber and will help regulate your intestines. Try it!

7. Juice with pineapple and cucumber

Learn about the belly dry juice with pineapple and cucumber. Cucumber is a diuretic and excellent for the kidneys, which eliminates toxins from the body. And pineapple is very rich in vitamins and a digestion facilitator. Make no mistake, the taste is magnificent!

8. Juice with pineapple and carrot

This quick and super easy recipe for dry belly juice with pineapple and carrots is a great antioxidant, as it contains beta-carotene, in addition to being abundant in fiber and vitamins that help the body function properly.

9. Juice with Strawberry and Beetroot

With natural yogurt, orange, strawberry and beetroot, you will taste a sublime juice that dries your belly and has benefits capable of deflating and burning fat in the abdominal region. It is functional, tasty and very nutritious.

10. Lemon and carrot juice

Check out this lemon and carrot juice recipe that will deflate your body, regulate your ph and inhibit your appetite, which also helps with weight loss. It can be taken at breakfast or before meals to control appetite and not overdo it.

11. Juice with lemon and eggplant

Check out this lemon and eggplant juice recipe that will promote great benefits to your body, such as reducing inflammation and reducing fluid retention. Combine the ingredients in a pitcher with water and leave to enjoy overnight. When finished, take it on an empty stomach.

12. Juice with lemon and glutamine

Master this belly-dry juice with lemon and glutamine. He will be able to reduce the bloating of the abdomen or the famous high stomach. Glutamine will be responsible for assisting in proper intestinal functioning and muscle building. Enjoy!

13. Juice with lemon and watermelon

Learn how to make this juice with lemon and watermelon that will regulate your intestines and reduce abdominal bloating. The juice still takes ginger and together the ingredients, in addition to helping weight loss, control blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels.

In addition to the ease, as they are produced in the comfort of home, dry belly juices are diuretics and help in the proper functioning of the intestine. Also check out everything about including thermogenic foods in your diet, which stimulate fat burning and promote weight loss.

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