Home » Practical Resources » Does he not want you? 3 Effective Ways to Forget That Person Who Can’t Get Out of Your Mind

Does he not want you? 3 Effective Ways to Forget That Person Who Can’t Get Out of Your Mind


You’ve loved someone for awhile, only to be rejected. Whether or not that person has said the reason, rejection still hurts. You’ve had enough of it, but you love her so much that you don’t see how you can forget about her. However, the truth is that you deserve much better. You are strong and able to find someone who respects you just the way you are, and who loves you for all your oddities. If you want to forget someone who doesn’t love you anymore, stay with us.

Taking time to reflect

1- Cry, but cry a lot.

Crying will release all of your emotions instead of keeping them trapped in you. This is called “catharsis”. Research shows that crying relieves stress and improves your health.

2- Think of all the bad things related to the person you loved.

You might think she has no flaws, but maybe that’s not true.

The old saying is true: no one is perfect. Try making a list of everything you didn’t like about her, including her flaws. The more unpleasant things you find, the easier it will be to convince your heart that she was the wrong person for you.

3- Imagine some of the negative consequences of your interaction with this person.

Maybe there weren’t many negative consequences that resulted from their relationship. But if you try, it’s quite possible that you can think of a few:

  • Did it cause an unhealthy fixation on the past?
  • Did she manipulate you to get what she wanted?
  • Have you been prevented from fulfilling your dreams in favor of hers?
  • Did she make you believe that you should spend time with her alone and not with your friends or relatives?
  • Did she make you learn to deal with stress or resolve conflicts by fighting or playing games with you?


  • I woke up this morning and realized I’m over you

starting to forget

1- Get rid of everything that has to do with the person until you forget about them.

That means stopping going to places you’ve had experiences with her, getting rid of old photos, and maybe deleting contact information from her cell phone or deleting her from Facebook. It may sound rude, but understand that you “have” to move on with your life.

2- Go on vacation.

It could be just a few days off at home or a real vacation somewhere exotic. Whatever it is, you deserve it. A lot of effort has gone into this relationship, which means you deserve to take a break.

3- Get it out of your head.

Going out with friends, joining a club (theater, creative writing, reading, online clubs, etc.) are attitudes that help a lot. Do anything to get it out of your head. Write songs or short stories, do household chores, go shopping with friends, go to the movies; all these things can work. Make sure you don’t think about that person and that there’s no reason to meet them.


  • I’m worth so much more than you’re willing to pay

Ending cleanly

1- If you are ready, try to find a new love.

You can find this person in a bookstore, in a coffee shop, on the internet or in the middle of the street. Never lose hope about this encounter. Obviously, it didn’t work out between you and the person you loved, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this right now. And if it didn’t work out between the two of you, it’s because it wasn’t meant to be.

2- Learn from past relationship mistakes when looking for someone special.

From that moment on, you are likely to start looking for a new person, which means exposing yourself to different people and situations. Throughout this process, learn from the mistakes you made in the past rather than making them again. Hopefully, you will only have to move forward once, leaving that problem behind. Cross your fingers!

3- Keep in mind that what happened between you was good and that everything has an end.

Be happy with the memories you shared with that person. You may have learned good lessons. Don’t wish it had never happened—just wish it had been forgotten. It is also possible to be happy moving forward. All you need to do is see the good things that this experience has brought you.

4-Give up false hopes now.

Deep down, you will think, “I can make such a person love me. Maybe she didn’t mean it and was just embarrassed. Maybe one day everything will work out between us.” Not. Leave it all alone. To move forward, you need to understand that “now” there is no hope for both of you. If he or she rejected you, he or she was probably serious and holding on to false hopes isn’t going to help at all. Know that he/she would come back if he/she wanted you.

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Via WikiHow


  • I blocked you from my life

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