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Discover the future with the game of stones

Look for stones at home, gardens or parks. According to shamanism, the right ones will choose you
Photo: Dreamstime

You must be wondering: how can some stones answer my deepest concerns? It sounds crazy, but according to shamanism (which comprises a set of ancestral beliefs), the stones – or the “stone people”, as they are called – concentrate all the records of Mother Earth. “Its magnetic qualities store everything that exists on the planet”, says tarologist Rosa Désideri.

It is she who will teach you how to practice the game. He will answer her questions with “yes” or “no”. In this article, check out how to choose the right pieces and ask the questions the right way.

Game walkthrough


· 1 white ceramic or earthenware deep dish.
· Seven small stones, little bigger than a bean grain.
· Enough mineral or sea water to fill the dish up to 1 cm from the rim.

Tip: one can look for stones in his house, gardens or parks. According to shamanism, the right ones will choose you.

The preparation

1. Choose a stone that will represent you. Paint it using nail polish in your favorite color.
two. Set aside three stones to represent the “yes” answer. Paint them with a blue or green nail polish.
3. Paint the three stones that will represent the “no” answer with red nail polish.
4. Fill the deep plate with water up to 1 cm before the rim.

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The time to ask

1. Take the plate and stones to a quiet place. Put on some soft music to play in the background.
two. Place the plate of water in front of you. Hold the stones with your hands closed, as if you were going to pray.
3. Concentrate and say: “Stone people, bearer of Mother Earth’s records, I seek in your wisdom answers to my path. I clarified my doubts. I am grateful”.
4. Now, slowly rub your hands with the stones and move closer to 10 cm from the plate. Ask a question that can be answered with “yes” or “no”. Examples: Is this union favorable? Is this a good job? Let the stones fall into the water.

Heads up! Ask only one question at a time.

The results

1. “You” stone next to “yes” stones
In that case, the answer to your question is yes.

2. “You” stone next to “no” stones
This position points to a negative result.

3. “You” stone next to one “yes” stone and three “no” stones
The answer is yes, but you will encounter difficulties along the way.

4. “You” stone next to one “no” stone and three “yes” stones
The result points to a difficult situation, which can be reversed only with a lot of commitment, focus and positive thinking.

5. All stones very close together
The question needs to be rephrased. Step back and think for a few minutes. Then play again.

6. All stones far apart
Here, the result is positive, but it will take more than six months to happen.

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