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Compulsive masturbation: definition and consequences

Masturbating is a healthy and beneficial source of pleasure. However, it is possible to develop a compulsion associated with it. If you want to know how it happens and what measures can be taken, keep reading!

Compulsive masturbation is motivated by the intense and repeated urge to satisfy a sexual need. Although it is a healthy and pleasant act, it can become a negative automatism focused on reducing anxiety levels.

It’s about a psychological problem that can cause great deterioration in social and work life. Those who suffer from it may reach the point of not attending social gatherings, or interrupting work hours to perform the masturbatory act.

It is common for these people to be labeled as “vicious” or “perverted” when, in reality, they may have a hypersexuality disorder requiring psychological intervention. On some occasions, you may even need medical attention for injuries to the penis or vulva due to excessive stimulation.

Frequency of masturbation and taboo

Currently, talking about this topic is still taboo in certain environments. Compulsive masturbation problems are usually carried out in silence, and those who suffer from them may experience shame and an intense feeling of loneliness for not being able to share the experience with other people.

Many times, in order to alleviate the psychological discomfort caused by this condition, we resort to home remedies, advice from friends or practices that have no effect. Trying to stop it and realizing that it doesn’t decrease can lead to more anxiety.

Although self-stimulation is healthy and advisable, in matters of sexuality and sex, what is normal for some is not normal for others. In fact, in some people and in the face of life’s difficulties, Masturbation can become a problem for which you should seek help.

If thoughts about giving yourself pleasure constantly invade you, in addition to causing physical problems and having an impact on your daily life, it is time to break the silence and go to a qualified professional.

Masturbation: when does it start to be harmful?

There are those who have a high sex drive and enjoy masturbating often, and there is nothing wrong with that. The problem comes when you begin to change the purpose of the action, and at the same time increase the frequency and intensity.

Therefore, Masturbation becomes a psychopathological behavior when it escapes deliberate control, which causes emotional disturbance due to its compulsive nature. This practice should not be pathologized unless it is accompanied by problems of control and anxiety, as indicated in an article published in World Psychiatry.

This stimulation generates a particular and pleasant state in the brain. On the emotional level, we are talking about a momentary feeling of well-being that the person is not able to achieve through other means. In many cases the practice becomes dependent, generating discomfort when it is not carried out.

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In addition to the compelling need that you experience, to qualify this condition as compulsive masturbation, there must be an increase in this behavior. That is to say, With each passing day, the frequency with which the individual masturbates increases, as does the inability to control himself. These actions usually affect the person’s social and work life.

8 signs that masturbation is compulsive

At this point, we are already clear that masturbation can become a problem, but what are the signs that indicate that this practice is no longer healthy?

First of all, let’s see what James Morrison tells us, in his book DSM-5 guide to clinical diagnosis on compulsions, and, consequently, when the act of masturbating has ceased to be adaptive and has become pathological. According to this manual, a compulsion is characterized by:

Repetitive behaviors or mental acts that the subject performs in response to an obsession or according to rules that must be applied rigidly.The objective of behaviors or mental acts is to reduce anxiety, discomfort or avoid some feared event or situation.; However, these actions or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way to what they aim to prevent or neutralize, or they are too excessive.

Also, there are other signs that masturbation has started to be a problem:

1. Consume all the time

Throughout the day, the affected person masturbates several times, so much so that he dedicates too much time to this activity and deprioritizes others. Consequently, their academic, social or family responsibilities are not carried out within the established deadlines. There is a total loss of balance between pleasure and daily duties.

2. It harms social, family and work life

The person prefers to spend time alone and avoid social activities, parties, meetings or family events. Some are absent from work or arrive late due to the need to satisfy the compulsion and thus reduce anxiety.

3. Lateness or cancellation of commitments

Because compulsion has taken a central place in the subject’s life, fulfilling other commitments takes a backseat. In this context, Canceling appointments and being late becomes an irresponsible pattern. All of this causes serious interpersonal and professional conflicts.

4. The urge is irresistible and is satisfied in inappropriate places

When impulse bursts onto the scene, desire becomes uncontrollable. The person is pushed to masturbate regardless of the place. Therefore, you may end up doing it in public or uncomfortable spaces, which can result in embarrassing and even illegal moments. Factor that signals total loss of control, becoming classified as exhibitionist behavior.

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5. It happens even if you have no desire

When masturbation becomes a mechanical action, without sexual motivation or purpose, it is a sign that it is compulsive. It becomes an automatic response to unpleasant feelings (boredom, sadness, anxiety) or stressful situations.

6. When faced with unpleasant emotions, this practice is used to feel relief

Using masturbation as a strategy to mitigate negative emotions is a clear sign that the person is doing it out of compulsion. This is harmful in the long term, since you do not resolve the true conflict and do not learn to deal with emotions.

7. Guilt or anxiety is experienced after masturbation

This feeling of guilt or anxiety fuels compulsion, which creates a feedback loop. The more anguish, the more masturbation; The more masturbation, the more anguish. The relief that the person gets is always short-lived because then guilt appears, which perpetuates the problem even more.

8. It is difficult to stop thinking about the habit

Another sign is that the person spends most of the day thinking about masturbating. This investment of cognitive resources interferes with your ability to pay attention to other matters, which ends up affecting your functioning in different areas. In turn, this increases anxiety and stress because you are not performing as expected.

Causes of compulsive masturbation

The etiology of this behavior is still not clearly known. However, we can identify some possible, although not definitive, causes:

Mental health problems: It can appear as a consequence of emotional problems. It can also be caused by loneliness or boredom. In these cases, its purpose is to reduce unpleasant emotions through pleasure.Sexual problems: Dissatisfaction in sexual relationships can lead to compulsive behaviors, since the person seeks to obtain the pleasure that they cannot get in a typical sexual encounter. This, associated with mental health problems, can lead to compulsive masturbation.Porn addiction: For some people, constantly watching porn can cause masturbation problems, because every time they watch these types of videos they relapse into self-stimulation.Hormonal imbalances: Various hormones, such as testosterone, are associated with libido or sexual desire, therefore, alterations in their balance, along with other neurochemical factors, can generate the impulse to masturbate, as a mechanism to satisfy sexual appetite.Self-control difficulties: The absence of impulse control can lead a person to compulsive masturbation, since they cannot resist the desire to do so.

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This problem is the product of multiple factors, and not just one in particular. To fully understand the root of the problem, it is best to go to a trained professional: psychologist, psychiatrist, sexologist, etc.

Consequences of compulsive masturbation

First of all, it affects sexual behavior. This pattern of self-stimulation leads the person to focus primarily on ejaculation or orgasm. The only objective is to let off steam. This, in the long term, can cause alterations in the neurophysiological circuits that participate in the sexual response.

Thus, when having sexual relations with an individual, the interaction will not focus on the enjoyment of both people, as in a healthy relationship, but on the quick orgasm that reduces emotional discomfort. Or there could be difficulties in maintaining excitement, initiating it and ending it.

On the other hand, this loss of interest in sexual relations with a partner can lead the person to prefer to indulge themselves. This is complicated in a relationship, because there is a tendency to avoid sexual relations, and, similarly, the motivation to satisfy the partner decreases. In addition, feelings of guilt and emotional instability will appear.

The inability to control the urge to masturbate and the need to satisfy it It leads the subject to isolate himself or even to fail in his work and social obligations. All of this directly influences the management of personal relationships.. At work, it is common for people who have this compulsion to escape from the service to touch themselves or even to miss work.

Another consequence of consideration is that energy decreases. The discomfort caused by the sensation, together with the lack of desire to do another activity, as well as physical fatigue, causes an energy deficit that is reflected in daily life.

How to control masturbation

If the act of masturbating does not cause discomfort and does not affect other spheres of life, it is not necessary to seek treatment. Masturbation is a behavior that is part of sexuality, and it is healthy. However, if it is associated with feelings of anxiety and lack of impulse control, the most appropriate thing is go to an expert.

The intervention will be aimed at reduce negative feelings, control impulses and regain interest in enjoying sex, alone or in company. The goal will never be to eliminate masturbation behavior completely, but rather to transform it into a healthy habit. If you think you have this disorder, and before going to therapy you want to try…

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