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Complete guide to create your life project in 7 steps

Do you want to make your dreams and goals come true? With the following keys you will be able to create the best vital roadmap to reach the destination you want and deserve. Get started today!

Do you feel lost? Do you find it difficult to make decisions? Do you have the feeling that none of your goals are being met? Yes that’s how it is, Creating a life project will allow you to have greater control of your reality to get where you want. With it you will know where to direct your efforts at all times. Additionally, you will feel more motivated because you will remember what your values ​​and purposes are.

This positive psychology tool helps you focus on what is priority and act, in turn, is an everyday compass. It will make you see that, in this existential journey so full of curves, the most important thing is you. We propose, therefore, to stop acting on autopilot, to take the controls of reality and decide where you want to go. The following tips will be of great help.

«Life is not how it is supposed to be, it is how it is. “The way you deal with it is what makes the difference.”

~ Virginia Satir (Self-esteem, 1975) ~

Keys to create your life project

Surely when they asked you in your childhood what you wanted to be when you grew up, you were clear. However, as the years go by, you discover that being an adult is more difficult than you thought. Not everything you want comes true and, no matter how hard you try, destiny sometimes has its own plans. What to do when you see that you are not achieving your aspirations?

Creating your life project is a strategy that allows you to define your purposes to work on them and achieve them more effectively. What’s more, in the Journal of Career Development they describe that this strategy even improves general satisfaction, sense of direction, and the quality of future experiences. Discover how to carry out this task.

1. Reflect on your vital moment

Creating a life project requires starting from a decisive stage: that of self-reflection. You can’t decide where you’re going if you don’t know where you’re starting from. Such a strategy requires an exercise of introspection from which to analyze not only where you are, but what you have achieved so far. The following questions may help you:

“How do you describe your current life?” “What aspects are you proud of?” “What are the most valuable lessons learned?” “What experiences do you not want to repeat?” “How do you see yourself at the moment?” present?” “What realities would you like to change?” Finally, evaluate your life satisfaction from 1 to 10.

2. Visualize your future

Often, when in clinical practice a patient is asked to clarify his goals, he experiences doubts and certain blocks. It is not always easy to move your mind from the present to the future in order to clarify what goals you want to achieve.

Instead, To draw up your life plan, it will be enriching to do a simple visualization and relaxation exercise. To this end, try to give yourself an hour of rest in a quiet setting. Next, visualize yourself five years from now.

Create in your mind a vision of your own person, happy and satisfied with your existence. Then, ask yourself what you do, what makes you feel good, who you have in your life, and where you are.

Designing a life plan is like drawing a bridge to your dreams. To do this, it is necessary to do an introspection exercise and turn your goals into realities. Every step you take will be a stepping stone towards your fullest and most fulfilled version.

3. Clarify values

Medical Decision Making research emphasizes the relevance of helping people clarify their values ​​to make better decisions. This is essential, because When you want to chart a more optimal course for your existence, you must do so from what gives you meaning and defines you as a human being. Write down how to do it:

Self-exploration: Take a few days to reflect on your beliefs, past experiences, and current priorities. Ask yourself what is most important in your life and what makes you feel fulfilled. Consider your interests, passions, and what motivates you in the present.Reflect on past experiences: Take your mind to the rearview mirror of yesterday and delve into the moments in which you felt fulfilled, satisfied and in harmony. Analyze what aspects of those situations contributed to those feelings and how they relate to your values.Make a list: Write on paper those dimensions that resonate within you, inspire you and make you feel good. An example of this could be justice, art, integrity, simplicity, kindness, relationships, work, health, spirituality, etc. Write down everything that comes to your mind and think about it without judging yourself.

4. Set clear goals

After carrying out the valuable self-reflection exercises on values, there comes a crucial point: defining your goals. From Consulting Psychology Journal they report that, in general, establishing them is easy; achieving them not so much anymore. The reason? There is a complex machinery of psychological aspects such as motivation that sometimes hinders achieving them.

However, having an adequate life plan will act as an excellent daily guide to commit to these goals. To this end, it is interesting that you take into account a series of keys:

SMART goals: divide your purposes into specific, measurable, achievable and relevant goals; This is how you work on your dreams and aspirations with an effective methodology.Time: Clearly set short, medium and long-term objectives in each area of ​​your life. Consider the professional dimension, the personal dimension, relationships, health, etc.Associate them with motivators: When clarifying these dimensions, think of them as little boxes. Your motivations, dreams and values ​​should be included inside. So that when you have the thought of quitting, you can open them to remember why you strive every day.

5. Plan to act

When creating your life project there is one pillar: good planning. Without it there is no route plan nor that compass that guides you in the steps you will take at every moment. Thus, The next step in this schedule will be to draw up a detailed plan for each goal, identifying the necessary methodology in order to achieve them.

Have a calendar on hand and mark which task to carry out at each time point. These deadlines and their visualization will encourage you to commit. It will also allow you to know how to diversify your efforts and what to expect from you at each stage of the personal project. On the other hand, do not forget to reward yourself for every achievement achieved; big or small. Maintaining the illusion is essential.

6. Improve your personal development

Visualize this vital project as if you were a climber preparing to ascend Everest. You carry your map, you know the goal and you know what steps to follow; but you must equip yourself. Therefore, in order to achieve your goals in the best way, It is recommended that you develop new skills and knowledge.

Learn time management techniques, resources to regulate stress and anxiety. Acquire skills associated with your area of ​​work and don’t forget to improve your emotional intelligence so that your relationships are happier. Finally, consider the possibility of taking certain courses and even having a mentor.

7. Adjust and evaluate your life plan

Positive psychology, as pointed out in Frontiers in Psychology, is that model that has been most interested in the benefits of having a life purpose and creating the achievement plans described here. However, It is important to periodically review those values, goals and future projects that you establish.

Sometimes, in that journey to conquer your dreams, you may experience new interests or have other concerns. Reframing is part of your growth, not a step back. On the other hand, It is helpful to evaluate your progress from time to time and make adjustments to your plan, if appropriate. Those small nuances will act as drivers in escalating to your desires.

Plan your life, to grow in the right direction

At this point We hope that the idea of ​​creating your life project is inspiring to you. It is, after all, a transformative process capable of guiding you towards a more meaningful and satisfying existence. It is an enriching exercise of self-exploration and reflection that will help you clearly define who you are and what you want; This way you will work better at it.

In addition, Try not to leave aside self-care, persistence and seeking support when you need it. Consider that, with this task, you not only draw the map for your personal success, you also cultivate a deep sense of direction and fulfillment, in order to achieve fulfillment. Enjoy the trip.

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