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The Nunchi method, the Korean technique to be happy

In Korea they have a method to facilitate social connection and happiness that children learn as early as three years old. The “nunchi” is the equivalent of our emotional intelligence and is based on some very basic pillars.

The Nunchi method could be defined as the art of understanding the mental and emotional universe of others.. In fact, if we had to find the simile of emotional intelligence in Korean culture it would be precisely this concept, the noonchi (눈치). After all, this universal quality is what makes it easier for us to build happy and satisfying relationships.

It is interesting to know that This perspective has been strongly integrated into the Korean people since time immemorial. Already in the 17th century there was talk of those people skilled in the noonchi, in that “eye force” that transcends the physical to reach the intimate; the psycho-emotional state of the person with whom one is interacting. A few years ago, Korean-American journalist Euny Hong published the book The Power of Nunchi: The Korean Secret to Happiness and Success. Thanks to this work, the West was suddenly able to discover that this approach popularized by Daniel Goleman in the 90s had already been present in the East for centuries.

To be successful in Korea it is essential to develop good nunchi. Thanks to this approach, good relationships based on trust are established; something basic for businesses to prosper.

Nunchi Method: what does it consist of?

It is possible that when talking about a method to increase happiness and well-being in Korea, there is something that seems contradictory to us. We know that South Korea is an emerging power right now. We also know about their high suicide rate and their lack of support for the mental health field. Therefore, it is understandable that this term seems a little confusing to us given the context.

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However, the method Nunchi It is present in the Korean mentality as a key to facilitating business. Having social and work success is a way to achieve happiness for this culture. He noonchi It is, in turn, an education method for children and a connection strategy between people to strengthen a quality emotional relationship. Koreans spend much of their time developing social contacts. This builds trust between people and from this, good businesses can be consolidated. And to do this, you have to be skilled at understanding everything from the other’s state of mind, to their feelings and mental state.

The nunchi goes beyond courtesy. It means being connected to the environment and being aware of everything that happens in that setting.

The art of being connected to the environment and knowing how to respond

Have nunchi It can be translated as having ‘visual ability or strength’. It is seeing what is happening around you and being connected with each gesture, each stimulus and each process to understand it, to go beyond what is apparent and be able to act accordingly. Only in this way do we adapt better, build more meaningful ties and contribute to our own well-being and that of society.

For example, if in a work environment there is an employee who is isolated from the group, the others must have nunchi to understand what is happening to that colleague and facilitate their integration. This method actually does not focus only on the individual, but rather takes into account the context and atmosphere that surrounds the person..

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The Nunchi method, a soft skill

According to journalist Euny Hong, The Nunchi method is a soft skill that must be present in any work environment. Let us remember, the soft skills or soft skills are those competencies that are related to the way we interact with others. Thus, empathy, negotiation, problem solving or nunchi fall within this field.

Thus, a study published in The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing highlights the importance of this method in the field of health and care. It’s more, If there is something that stands out in Korea, it is not so much the importance of having nunchibut to be quick when applying it. Quick to evaluate, understand the context and psycho-emotional needs and know how to respond as soon as possible.

How to develop this Korean method of happiness?

It is true that the substrate of the Korean mentality is more oriented towards work and business. Happiness for them lies in social and work success. As a rising superpower, strategies, such as the method Nunchi, They stand as a traditional tool of power. Only those who have the eye to read what is happening around them on a mental and emotional level have a better chance of acting correctly.

Knowing how to connect with people, understand them and create bonds of trust is the basic link for any good business. Also to achieve good alliances with friends and partner. Happiness can very well be inscribed in those territories that are not foreign to the Western mentality either. However How to develop this competence that has some traces with emotional intelligence?

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Keys to activate our Nunchi

The first step is to observe everything that happens around us. However, yes, we must look at what surrounds us from silence and appreciation. In human beings, everything has a meaning that we can interpret: gestures, tone of voice, way of looking, moving… We must know how to listen properly. actively, without interrupting. Be polite, restrained and respectful. In any situation you must put aside the desire for competitiveness. Cooperation and connection are the strategies with which we win. This applies to work and also to relationships.

To conclude, while in the West we are more accustomed to individualism, in the eastern world they need the gaze Nunchi to facilitate collective harmony in which everyone benefits. That is his mentality, that is his magic and that is our challenge.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Heo, Jaehong & 박원주,. (2013). Development and Validation of Nunchi Scale. Korea Journal of Counseling. 14. 3537-3555. 10.15703/kjc.14.6.201312.3537.Park, Hyun & An, Hyo. (2019). Nursing Student’s Experiences on Nunchi in Clinical Practice. Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education. 25. 48-57. 10.5977/jkasne.2019.25.1.48.Kim, Sin & Park, Sihyun & Baek, Min. (2021). Mediating Effects of Insecure Adult Attachment and Nunchi on the Relationship between Life Stress and College Adjustment in College Students. Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 30. 1-8. 10.12934/jkpmhn.2021.30.1.1.

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