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Coconut oil diet: – 4 kilos in 15 days –

Do you believe that a food rich in fat and calories can facilitate weight loss? It’s proven by science: extra virgin coconut oil improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, stimulating metabolism and burning fat stores. In addition to the subject being booming on the internet, the Australian top model Miranda Kerr (favorite of the brand Victoria’s Secret) attributed to the delicacy how quickly she got back in shape after having her first child. She consumes the oil extracted from the tropical fruit every day – four spoonfuls mixed in the Green Teain salads and in the preparation of stews.

Read more: The beauty secrets of model Miranda Kerr

Alone, however, coconut oil does not perform miracles! It is important to always associate it with a balanced diet. In this way, it reduces up to seven times more abdominal fat, according to a recent study by Columbia University in the United States. This power, who would say, comes mainly from saturated fat – most of it, however, is medium-chain triglycerides. “A type of fat that, when it reaches the liver, quickly turns into energy”, explains Natália Colombo, nutritionist at Clínica Ncnutre, in São Paulo. Result: there is no fat left to be accumulated around the waist and you also gain energy (suggestion: take the opportunity to work out!).

The only vegetable source to present a high concentration of lauric acid – a substance with antioxidant It is anti-inflammatory -, coconut oil also fights free radicals and inflammation in cells, leaving the body less resistant to weight loss. Do you live hungry? One more reason to bet on this superfood: it fills you up, helping you to consume fewer calories throughout the day and, once again, making it easier to diet.

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With this 1200-calorie menu, prepared by nutritionist Natália Colombo, you can lose up to 4 kilos in two weeks. The secret? Three tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil a day, consumed at breakfast, lunch and dinner.

coconut oil diet


Option 1: Papaya juice with coconut oil (1/4 of papaya blended with 1 small plum, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1 cup (200 ml) of water or coconut water) + 1 slice of wholemeal bread with 2 thin slices of light turkey breast

Option 2: Vitamin with coconut oil (1 glass (200 ml) of soy milk mixed with 1/2 cup of strawberry (or 1 frozen strawberry pulp), 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and ice) + 2 whole salted crackers with 1 col. (dessert) hummus (chickpea paste) or light ricotta cream

Option 3: 1 medium bowl of fruit salad with 2 col. (soup) skimmed yogurt, 1 col. (soup) light granola and 1 col. (soup) of coconut oil

Option 4: Juice with ginger and coconut oil (1 cup (tea) of fresh or frozen strawberry blended with 2 thin slices of melon, 1 spoon (tea) of grated ginger and 1 spoon (soup) of coconut oil and ice) + 1 slice of wholemeal bread on the plate with 1 slice of white cheese and oregano

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Option 5: Green juice with coconut oil (2 thin slices of pineapple, beaten with 1/2 apple with skin, 2 kale leaves, 1/2 cup (100 ml) of coconut water and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil) + 2 wholemeal toast with 1 col. (dessert) ricotta cream

Nutritionist tip: Coffee or tea without sugar at will (if you want, use sweetener).

Morning snack

Option 1: 1 serving of fruit (1 pear or 1 guava or 1 apple or 10 grapes)

Option 2: 1 sesame or flax seed bar + 1 cup (200 ml) coconut water

Option 3: 1 light whole grain bar + 1 cup. (tea) herbs (mint, lemon balm, hibiscus) hot or iced

Option 4: 2 small wholemeal diet cookies + 1 cup (200 ml) coconut water

Option 5: 1 box (200 ml) of light soy-based juice


Option 1: Green leaf salad (lettuce, watercress, arugula, mustard), 1 col. (soup) of grated radish and 3 slices of tomato + 2 col. (soup) brown rice + 2 col. (soup) of beans + 1 fillet (120 g) of grilled or roasted chicken

Option 2: Salad leaves, 2 col. (soup) grated carrot, 2 steamed broccoli bouquets and 1 boiled egg + 2 col. (soup) manioc puree (or cooked manioc) + 1 tbsp. (soup) of lentils (or chickpeas) + 1 fillet (120 g) of baked fish

Option 3: Green leaf salad, 1 tbsp. (soup) of assorted cooked vegetables, 1 col. (soup) of chickpeas and 3 slices of tomato + 1 col. (soup) of braised cabbage + 1 medium boiled potato + 1 fillet (100 g) of lean meat (duckling, rump) grilled or roasted

Option 4: Leaf salad and 1 col. (soup) grated beetroot (or radish) and 1 col. (soup) grated carrot + 2 col. (soup) brown rice + 2 col. (soup) of lentils (or beans) + 1 hamburger (100 g) of soy or grilled lean meat

Option 5: Salad leaves, 5 bouquets of steamed broccoli, 1/2 chopped tomato and 1 sliced ​​hard-boiled egg + 1 cup of whole-wheat pasta with 2 tbsp. (soup) of tomato sauce (or 1 tbsp Bolognese sauce)

Nutritionist tip: Season the salad with 1 tbsp. (soup) of extra virgin olive oil, lemon and salt to taste.

Coconut in other formats

More fruit derivatives that can boost your diet:

Coconut water: taken from the still green fruit, it hydrates the body in the first sip. With a composition similar to blood plasma, it is easily taken into cells. What does this have to do with weight loss? Prevents liquid retention. Even more: well hydrated, you do twice as much in the exercises and lose weight more easily. Because it contains vitamin E, an antioxidant capable of fighting excess free radicals, coconut water is also a rejuvenating cosmetic. And it’s light: a glass (250 ml) has 55 calories.

Coconut Flour: extracted from the brown film that is part of the coconut shell, plus a little of the dried pulp, the flour has less lauric acid than the oil, but is also able to keep the intestine healthy. Another advantage for the diet: a tablespoon of flour (10 grams, 24 calories) has 2.5 grams of fiber and, therefore, helps to fill you up. It can be used pure, mixed in juice or sprinkled on fruit, or even partially replace wheat flour in the preparation of breads, cakes and pies.
Do you have any doubts?

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Nutritionist Natália Colombo answers questions about the use of coconut oil sent by readers of GOOD SHAPE. You will know everything about this food!

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How many tablespoons of coconut oil should I consume to lose weight?

Two to four tablespoons a day. It was the amount used by volunteers who participated in scientific studies that evaluated the power of coconut oil in weight loss. More than that, he can get fat, especially if you don’t follow a low-calorie diet and avoid exercise. Remember that coconut oil is a source of fat and therefore not lean: it has 90 calories in a tablespoon.

Because it’s greasy, can it make the intestine go away?

Yes. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to your body’s response. Even better: start by consuming one tablespoon a day and gradually increase that amount until you reach three tablespoons, four at the most.

When cold, the oil turns into a paste. Can it be consumed like this?

As you prefer – paste or liquid, the effect on weight loss is the same. In paste, however, it is easy to fill the spoon and go beyond the measure. But you can solve the problem by using the always shallow spoon. The consistent oil can be spread on bread instead of butter or blended into juice. Are you going to mix it straight into salad, yogurt and fruit? In this case, liquid oil is better. To do this, just heat it quickly over a bain-marie or in the microwave (from 22ºC onwards, it becomes liquid), without the risk of having its therapeutic properties altered.

Is it better to consume the oil alone?

It can be consumed pure, but it’s not a rule. Incidentally, the flavor is smoother when associated with other foods. There are other advantages: consumed with meals, coconut oil is more filling and reduces the glycemic index of the dish, making even bread and pasta less of a risk to the scale. This action also leaves you feeling less hungry for longer and more likely to stick to the diet.

Which type is better: refined or extra virgin?

There are both on the market. However, only extra virgin offers all the benefits mentioned in this article. Cold pressed, it preserves all the nutritional and therapeutic properties of the fruit.

Can I take capsule instead of oil?

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There are still no studies evaluating the effect of coconut oil in capsule form. Either way, the recommendation for weight loss is two to four tablespoons of the oil a day, or about 30 grams. To reach this amount in capsules, you need to take 30 units (each one has 1 gram of coconut oil). That’s a lot of capsules for anyone to swallow, and it’s expensive.

Can it be used in food preparation instead of traditional oil?

Yes. By the way, coconut oil is considered the healthiest for cooking. This is because it is composed of saturated fat that remains stable even when subjected to high temperatures. Polyunsaturated vegetable oils, such as soy, corn, sunflower and canola, undergo changes during heating, which causes them to present trans fat levels at the end of cooking.

Does it change the taste of food?

Despite having a mild coconut flavor, it can be a problem for those who don’t like the fruit. If this is your case, use the oil in small amounts when preparing food, saving a larger portion for juice or fruit.

Does coconut milk provide the same benefits as oil?

No. Although both are extracted from coconut, milk does not have the therapeutic properties of oil. If you’re a fan of coconut milk, you can even use it in recipes along with the oil, but prefer the light version (44 calories – the traditional one has 87 – in 50 milliliters) and add very little.

How should it be stored?

In a tightly closed glass, away from light and heat. It doesn’t need to be in the fridge.

Is it true that skin and hair look better?

Yes. Coconut oil has emollient substances, as well as vitamin E that fights excess free radicals – the enemies of smooth skin and healthy hair. You can also use it as a hair repairer, using a small amount on the ends of the hair.

Do you have any contraindications?

No. The only care is to start consumption gradually, preventing it from excessively stimulating the intestine.

Where is it found for sale?

In natural product stores and even supermarkets, at an average price of 50 reais for a 500 milliliter bottle.

Salad dressing

. 1/4 cup. (tea) of extra virgin coconut oil
. 1/4 cup. (tea) extra virgin olive oil
. 1/4 cup. (tea) apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice)
. 1 col. (soup) of water
. 1/2 col. (soup) of salt
. 1 col. (coffee) turmeric (optional)
. 1 pinch of black pepper

Way of doing
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Let it rest at room temperature for an hour and then store it in the fridge. The sauce can be…

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