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Birdseed milk: discover the benefits and learn how to make it at home

Canary seed is a grass native to the Mediterranean region. From it is extracted a well-known seed that is commonly used to feed birds. Birdseed is loaded with nutrients and, therefore, for some time now it has been consumed by people looking to lose weight or even to help fight diseases, in a mixture called “canary seed milk”.

After all, what is birdseed milk?

The drink is a novelty in the world of healthy eating. According to nutritionist Paula Castilho, it is a food rich in nutrients such as proteins and vitamins from the E and B complex. Although there are still few studies on this food, some experts say that it brings a series of improvements to the body.

many benefits

Canary seed milk stands out for its natural anti-inflammatory power, which helps with the immune system and the balance of basic body functions. It also has antioxidant action, which prevents premature aging and also helps in weight maintenance. Food is also an ally in the fight against cholesterol and diabetes, it can reduce hypertension and improve muscle tone.

And its action doesn’t stop there: birdseed milk is indicated to help fight cardiovascular diseases and many others, such as gastritis, hypertension and liver diseases, such as cirrhosis. People with kidney stones or urinary tract infection can also benefit from drinking this milk, as it has a diuretic effect, which helps to eliminate toxins and reduces fluid retention.

Does the drink make you lose weight?

According to nutritionist Paula Castilho, if your goal is to lose weight, birdseed milk can help, as fat cells are inflammatory. But the specialist clarifies that, like any other food, it, alone, does not work miracles: it is necessary to combine its intake with healthy habits, a good diet and the practice of physical activities. The nutritionist highlights the diuretic action, which reduces swelling.

Do it at home!

Paula Castilho explains that birdseed milk can be prepared at home. It’s very simple. The first step is to clean the seeds well. Then, put five spoons of birdseed in a glass of water to hydrate and let it soak in the fridge for 24 hours. The next day, the birdseed needs to be washed again. Strain the water and replace it with a liter of filtered or boiled water. Blend in a blender for approximately four minutes. Strain and drink on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals.

Remember: it must be made and consumed on the same day, so that it does not lose its properties. The nutritionist indicates the consumption of about two glasses of birdseed milk a day. Milk can be drunk with cinnamon or shaken with fruit.

The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.

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