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A cat who loves to go for walks and even got a helmet to “ride around” on a motorcycle

Cats are beings as adorable as they are unpredictable. Many things are said about them: that they are mysterious, independent, a little skittish, lazy and comfort-loving. It is possible that all of these are, in fact, characteristics of kittens. However, they are much more than that and, generally, their attitudes “throw down” all our preconceived ideas. The truth is that there is no way to predict the behavior of these magical animals. They always surprise us.

O awesome.club tells the story of Cathode, a kitten who loves to enjoy speed and extreme sports together with her owner, Rémy.

The early days of Rémy and Cathode’s friendship

This story started six years ago. Rémy wanted a cat and, with that idea, he went to an animal shelter. Among many other kittens, there was Cathode, who saw him and went straight to him. We could say that it was she who chose its owner.

Cathode’s early days were confined to the life people associate with a feline: the comfort of a good pillow, good company, a long nap, and cuddling from her owner. But although he was happy, Rémy felt guilty about giving him an apartment life. He wanted Cathode to enjoy the outdoors as much as he did. So, he decided to go one step further.

Cathode’s true passion

In the first few days, Rémy took Cathode for walks in his arms, believing that this way she would feel safer. However, he soon discovered that, far from being afraid, she liked going out more and more, which, by then, were no longer in the owner’s arms. Yup. What had started out as a simple walk did not take long to pick up speed and Rémy quickly realized: Cathode loved extreme sports.

Bicycle, skiing, paragliding, rowing… any means that involved getting to know new places and traveling with its owner had come to be adored by the kitten. And there was something else that fascinated this “co-pilot”: stretching her little face and feeling the wind on her whiskers. Rémy always noticed that, especially when they went out on their motorcycles.

Rémy designed a tailored helmet for Cathode

Drawing on his engineering knowledge, Rémy designed a helmet with goggles for Cathode; that way the friend would have her eyes protected and could safely enjoy the wind in her whiskers. First, he made a paper pattern, then redesigned it on the computer and finally printed a 3D version. That would be the prototype. Later, many others would come to accompany Cathode’s “biker” life.

Rémy’s greatest reward is seeing how happy a kitten who had been abandoned and lived sad is now. Both trust each other, feel safe and happy together. Now, these adventure companions are a true family and the bond that unites them is, without a doubt, as indestructible as Rémy’s helmet.

Do you know any stories of cats with non-standard behavior? If so, how about sharing it with us?

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