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9 relaxation exercises to free ourselves (finally) from anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most abundant mental health problems in Western society. Here are some relaxation exercises to combat it.

Although achieving a state of relaxation is important, we have said it on many occasions, anxiety in itself is not bad or unhealthy. In fact, it is adaptive because it allows us to relate to what surrounds us with the appropriate level of activation.

However, anxiety understood as excess activation becomes unhealthy for us, greatly affecting us in daily life. And the truth is that, although we believe that we are exempt from this happening to us, it can happen to all of us at any time in our lives.

That is why it is very important to develop personal resources and strategies that allow us to control emotions and thoughts, because, as we know, self-management is a vital skill that will allow us to function appropriately. Let’s see some of the most useful techniques to control anxiety.

Are relaxation techniques useful?

A question may arise in the reader’s mind: should I do it too even if I don’t have anxiety problems? When is it time to relax? First of all, highlight that We all benefit from learning these exercises.

It is also necessary that we choose a time of day when we are not going to be interrupted and that if, for example, we choose the night, we do not fall asleep doing it. The goal is to learn the technique! Let’s look at some exercises.

We must know that not all relaxation techniques serve us all equally and that whatever the exercise, we must practice it regularly to advance.

1. Learn to breathe

Obviously, We all know how to breathe, that’s why we are alive; However, we do not do it the right way to relax. There are many ways to breathe, but the breathing that practically all of us do is social and superficial breathing.

Our usual breathing rhythm is accelerated, oral and superficial. We breathe through the mouth with little or no use of the diaphragm, either because we contract our abdomen when we take in air or because we raise our shoulders.

Thus we only incorporate a small amount of oxygen, which results in a lack of vitality and lower resistance. That is why breathing is at the top of our list, since, without a doubt, good breathing is the basis of relaxation.

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As a first rule it should be said that our natural breathing should always be through the nose, since this way we filter the air that enters and expel impurities blocked inside the nose. And, although there are several suitable types, the most physiologically appropriate is the complete one. We leave you a video with instructions to learn how to execute it in depth.

2. Jacobson progressive relaxation

As the promoter of this type of relaxation would affirm, “eliminating residual tension is the essential characteristic of this method”. Thus, since mental tension activates the muscles, To avoid overload we must understand when muscles tense and what we can do to relax them.

This technique goes through 3 phases: tensing and relaxing the muscles, muscle review and visualization. It is a more complex technique than it seems and requires the guidance of a professional.

For that It is essential to be aware of the muscle groups that we can relax. Although this technique requires correct training to be learned, we can benefit from the resources we find on the Internet to put it into practice. We leave you this video so you can try it.

“Where the water reaches its greatest depth, it remains calmest”

-William Shakespeare-

3. Silva Method or relaxations with visualization

There are people who benefit more from relaxation that induces the visualization of relaxing images. Here we have the Silva method, of which we find numerous exercises on YouTube. We leave you the link to the first one to start researching it.

“The miseries of all men arise from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone.”

-Blaise Pascal-

4. Schultz autogenic training

This type of relaxation is based on suggestion, which is why it induces pleasant sensations and thoughts that allow us to relax. It is based on the idea that we all have the power to modify our lives by modifying our mental attitude. Here is a 10-minute exercise to test the technique.

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“The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.”

-Jim Goodwin-

5. Mindfulness

When we talk about mindfulness, We can understand it both as a meditation technique and as a state of consciousness that generates a processing style that It translates into full attention to what surrounds us. and the events that are occurring.

Here is a short video that helps us begin to investigate the method and our well-being with it. Besides, On our page you will find a course on “Mindfulness for everyday life that will allow you to develop full attention.

6. Walk or exercise

Walk or doing any physical activity helps us channel the activation of our body. That is, it helps us reduce the worries in our mind, to reserve a part of our soul for ourselves, something that we frequently forget and that, without a doubt, generates enormous problems for us at all levels.

7. Breathing 4-7-8

This other breathing exercise is also very useful for relieving anxiety and stress. First of all, find a comfortable position for you. Then, follow these steps:

With your mouth closed, place the tip of your tongue behind your upper incisors. Do not move it while the exercise lasts. Forcefully expel all the air from your lungs. Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds. Hold your breath for 7 seconds. Exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds. Remember not to move your tongue.

Don’t forget that breathing exercises are somewhat difficult to master. You may not notice the effect of this technique the first few times you do it, or you may even feel worse.. Give yourself time and rely on a professional.

8. Listen to relaxing music

Listening to relaxing music is also a great way to connect with our calmer selves. Do you know the saying that music tames beasts? Really, Music helps us slow down the pace of our mind.

9. Safe place

This relaxation technique seeks to use cognitive processes, such as imagination, to achieve calm anywhere. It consists of visualizing a scene of calm and positive personal sensations for the subject.

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To train it, the patient is asked to lie down or place himself in some comfortable place and close his eyes. He himself will be the one who searches in his memory or in his imagination for the elements of the scenario. Afterwards, you are told to enjoy the sensations: smells, lights, touch, etc.

The goal is to create a calming scenario in the patient’s mind that they can “transfer” to whenever they feel anxious.

10. Biofeedback

The objective of this technique is to learn to control some automatic processes in the body, such as heart rate. For this, the guidance of a professional and appropriate material is necessary.

The therapist will place sensors on the corresponding parts of the body, depending on which process you want to control. Then, with your own readings in front of you, he will teach you exercises to take control over them. With practice, there will come a time when you will be able to control it without having measurements in front of you.

In turn, these relaxation techniques will help you connect with your internal processes related to anxiety. He biofeedback It is a very useful technique for those people who do not quite connect with other more abstract or spiritual techniques.

11. Yoga and/or tai chi

Although the former has become a sport and the latter is a practice that was formerly used to learn self-defense, both activities share learning about breathing control. Through postures and movements perfected over centuries, these two practices will help you become more aware of your own body and relax.

If you think that you don’t have time to practice a daily relaxation exercise, then this is precisely the moment when you need to start doing it, because anxiety is surely bothering you. The more you practice, the more you will advance; Remember that 21 days are enough to create a habit that will improve your life. And you, have you started yet?

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