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How to know if my boyfriend is sexist – 6 steps

Do you think that your boyfriend is a bit sexist? If you have questions, keep reading. Women have fought a lot throughout history to achieve the same rights as men, so if your partner reflects a certain sexist attitude, arrogance or superiority towards you, you better clarify it with him soon. Don’t let love blind you, don’t tolerate anyone making you feel inferior.

Pay attention to their behavior, be objective and make a decision about what you want in your life. Meanwhile, at unComo.com we give you the keys to discover How to know if your boyfriend is sexist.

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Steps to follow:

The truth is that when we fall in love there are many traits of the couple that we do not see or do not want to see. Feelings can cloud reason and some sexist attitudes They can be buried under incipient love. But there are clear signs that will tell you that this boy is a misogynist.

If your partner believes that you only need him, that your happiness depends entirely on him, you may start to worry. The feeling of power is the clearest definition of machismo, if that man is convinced that you need him at all costs and that only he completes you, it is a complete sexist. As soon as he sees that you have a full life with your family, friends or anything else, he will understand that he does not have that much power over you, and he will not like it at all.


Another sign that may indicate that your partner is sexist is if he compares you to his mother frequently. If every time you do something, he says that his mother does it better, you are going to have to take matters into your own hands, because that comment, far from being innocent, contains a lot of machismo. At first you may think that he loves his mother very much and that he respects her, but if these comparisons become a trend, be very careful because a very clear trait of sexist men is that they believe that their mother is the woman who is for them. above all.

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If you want to know if your partner is a sexist, rest assured that He won’t like it at all if you go out to party. And well, not just going out at night, in general any activity that involves having a good time without him, he will not like it at all. In fact, he’ll just tell you not to do it, to stay with him, a whole bunch of excuses for you to do what he wants. And if you don’t pay attention to him, he will make you feel very guilty so that you don’t do it again. Emotional manipulation is key for sexists to exercise their power.


A macho man will constantly underestimate you. That is to say, if anything you do does not convince him, it is not that he is a nonconformist, it is that it is pure machismo. In this way you get undermine your self-esteemshows you that he doesn’t trust you in the slightest or your abilities.

A person who does not believe that you can achieve any achievement does not deserve the slightest attention from you, do not convince yourself otherwise, you are worth a lot. You are equal and if you don’t respect it, then maybe it’s time to end the relationship.


One of the characteristics of sexists is that they do not like anything that have male friends. If he sees you talking or hanging out with men, he will feel enormous jealousy and get quite angry. This is the classic inferiority complex of sexists, they feel threatened by others of their gender. And seeing that he can’t control you, that he can’t choose who you date, will make him sick.

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If that’s the case, your boyfriend is a sexist. Closely related to this issue is the constant accusation that you are unfaithful. Jealousy and insecurity are two characteristics that define the macho man.


And last but not least, if your partner does not support you in your desires, goals or plans, it is a clear sign that he does not truly love you. If you go out with a man like that, who doesn’t want you to be a full, happy and satisfied woman, better forget about him.

You must share your life with a person who wants your happiness and who helps you grow and achieve your dreams above theirs. If this is not the case, unfortunately you are dating a sexist.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to know if my boyfriend is sexistwe recommend that you enter our Sentimental Relationships category.

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