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How to know if he likes me

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This must be one of the questions that most people have considered in the history of humanity, and not everyone has the same level of intuition or the same ability to perceive in detail when someone is attracted to you, that is why at unComo.com we want to give you the essential keysso that, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, you can determine it and answer the eternal question of:how to know if he likes me?

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Intuition and observation The gaze Proximity Orientation towards you Gestures when speaking Interest and conversation Most obvious signs Beware of seeing ghosts The next step

Intuition and observation

There are two essential tools to perceive our environmentfirst observation and then intuition, this applies perfectly in the field of attraction, and sometimes by looking at the correct details We are able to determine if someone likes us, because body attitude is difficult to control. We give you some signs that can reveal whether someone likes you or not.

The look

When someone feels attracted to you The look is one of the most difficult aspects to control. In principle, when talking to this person, his eyes wander all over our face, and focus on two particular points, the eyes, a sign that he is interested in what you say and moutha clear sign of desire, this person wants to kiss you and that is why he insistently observes your mouth.

Sometimes you can also surprise the boy or girl by looking at you when you are not paying attention, or by observing certain points on your body that may be attractive to him or her.


This aspect is clear, when you are attracted to someone, consciously or unconsciously you want to be near of this person, so that, apart from intimate relationships between friends, when someone from whom you have perceived certain signals, approaching always encourages the physical contacthe probably likes you.

Orientation towards you

If every time you start a conversation he or she stands right in front of you, always trying to talk to you straight, confront you in some way, a sign that he wants to get your attention. Of course, this point of orientation must be placed in the context of other signals, otherwise you could interpret that anyone who speaks to you in front of you will be attracted to you.

Gestures when speaking

The level of relaxation that a person experiences when talking to you indicates what comfortable that can feel next to you. If when you talk to him or her, they look relaxed, their hands are gesticulating, or they touch some part of their body, such as their hair, it is a good sign because they are completely comfortable next to you.

Interest and conversation

When someone likes you, that person almost instinctively wants hear from youso it is normal that it encourages many conversations to get to know you, find out your tastes, hobbies, whether or not you have a partner, ask your opinions or listen carefully to what you say, and when you say that you really like something you will be able to notice that it pays special attention. There are also games and jokes involved, since humor is an infallible tool of conquest.

Most obvious signs

To these clues you can add obvious signs such as that he is too interested in you, he flatters you, he asks you about personal things or problems that you have expressed having, he is detailed and attentive, he seeks to spend time with you, he makes invitations that encourage a meeting. alone, in short everything that is associated with courtship.

Beware of seeing ghosts

Even if you like someone too much, you must be objective, it is not about looking for ghosts where there are none, these types of body signals that we mention are quite specific and obvious, but they mean something as a whole, not in isolation, that is, if one day it touched you shoulder to tell you something and nothing else ever happened, it is a separate event and you should see it as such.

The next step

When the attraction between two people is obvious and inevitable, one of the two will eventually take the next step, perhaps it is a matter of waiting until we are sure that the circumstances are conducive to approaching that person. From now on, dedicate yourself to observing in detail and you will surely be able to know more easily if he likes you or not.

And if you already know that that person likes you and what interests you is to know if he feels something else, we invite you to consult our article how to know if he loves me.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to know if he likes mewe recommend that you enter our Sentimental Relationships category.

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