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How to Ask a Girl Out in 6 Easy Steps (with Examples) –

Asking a girl you like out should be an easy task, in short all you have to do is just ask her.

However, this task is complicated when the majority of girls reject you and this is an indicator that the problem is not them and really the problem is not you either, but the way and strategies you are using before, during and after inviting her. to go out.

That is why in this article I will show you the best techniques on how to ask a girl out, how you should not do it, and invaluable tips to achieve your goal.

Read our guide on strategies to seduce

Before asking her out

This part is the most important of all, since it is where the beginning of everything takes place. Pay a lot of attention.

1. The initial question

Before thinking about asking her out you should ask yourself if she is attracted to you, if the answer is YES, we can continue to the next step. What happens if the answer is no?

If she is not attracted to you it is almost a guarantee that she will refuse to go out with you, it is at this point where most men fail, since they ask us out for the emotion of the moment, being really positive and I say, this is Super good.

However, if we still don’t feel attracted, you should do a little homework and provoke with simple details that we want to go out.

How can you gauge their interest?

You should observe if she looks at you a lot, if she smiles at you, if she has fun when she is with you and if she says phrases like: How fun you are! Woo I love teasing you!

Notice how he looks at you. When a girl is interested in you, she won’t be able to avoid looking at you, although each of us is different and we do it with our own style.

For example, if she is a shy girl she looks at you and as soon as you discover her she will turn her face immediately or she may do it out of the corner of her eye very frequently, if she is an extroverted girl she may hold your gaze for a few seconds, smile at you and look away calmly as if nothing will happen.

Or there is the other possibility if every time you look at her, she stares at you in an aggressive way and maintains it until you remove yours, it is a sign that she doesn’t like you and that she feels uncomfortable or intimidated because you are probably looking at her too much. .

Ultimately, it is advisable to pause your conquest strategy and give her her own space so that she can change her perspective on you and not believe that you are a stalker.

If you do at least 2 of these things I guarantee you are on the right track.

Read our guide on the 4 tips to have a language of attraction

2. Make it clear how fun you are

Before you ask her out, you should make sure she knows that you are a boy fun with someone who will have a great time, this will help prevent them from rejecting your invitation.

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We girls love men who are fun, this is a quality in men that is at the top of the Ranking of what we look for in a guy.

Boys who are too shy often seem completely bored, since their insecurity and nervousness does not allow them to be themselves and they appear to be the least fun people on the planet.

If you are shy, don’t despair, just remember to be yourself and control your emotions, avoid sweating profusely or stuttering when you are with her.

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3. Be a leader

Women are attracted to the guy who is a leader among the rest, he is usually the “popular” guy who has the respect of the rest, to increase your points with her you must get her to see you develop in the role of leader at least a couple times.

It may be that you are not very good at commanding others or directing an activity. If so, don’t worry, for example, it will be enough to focus attention on yourself, whether at a party or meeting, telling an anecdote.

4. Break the ice

In the first approaches with that special girl it is natural that you feel a little embarrassed, what you should do is create a pleasant atmosphere and the ice will break by itself, try to be as relaxed as possible and avoid acting like a hunter or like the typical “I can handle them all.”

Try to emanate positive emotions, remember that all human beings “absorb” (so to speak) the emotions that are around us, here lies the importance of choosing our social circle correctly.

For example, has it ever happened to you that you go to a family gathering where some are angry with others? Or are you going to a party but all your friends failed the semester and are not in the mood to celebrate? What happens in these cases?

It doesn’t matter if you go with the best desire to celebrate, in the end you end up getting these feelings or at least your energy drops.

Exactly the same thing happens with that pretty girl you like, that is why you must radiate positive energy, so that she feels in a captivating environment and increases her confidence towards you.

5. look into her eyes

There is nothing more uncomfortable for a girl than a guy she has never even dated staring at her “Bibs” in her own face while she talks.

Make an effort to look at her face, all the time you have her in front of you, believe me she will take a lot into account if you look into her eyes or look at her breasts.

If you are going to look at her butt, try to do it when she is at least 15 meters away and can no longer notice it, we don’t want her to think that you are a pervert.

While it is true that girls like to be looked at, this occurs in a completely different role, such as when you are already their formal partner or they have “something” like friends with benefits, etc.

The point is that she approves, otherwise it is a very delicate situation that makes many feel uncomfortable.

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6. be chivalrous

Try to be as kind as you can with her, try to help her with something heavy she is carrying, walk on the side of the street where cars pass while they walk, offer her something to drink, take her something to eat to school or the office.

Try to make the latter seem casual, for example, if you bump into each other on the way out of work or school, buy 2 sandwiches, one for you and one for her, this way it will look the most natural and you will also look like a true gentleman.

Once you have managed to establish an environment of trust with her and in which you make sure that at least she likes you and that she does not see you as a stalker and does not think that you are obsessed with her, the big moment has arrived:

Ask her for get out!

You must take into account the following points for the big moment:

If you are going to ask her out in person (which is the most appropriate, since by message you will not be able to put in your favor the elements that I will describe below) making sure that it is the right time and place is one of the most important aspects to be able to achieve that quote.

Avoid asking her out when she is with her friends, since our reactions tend to change when we are with people who have a certain “influence” over us.

Try to find the moment when she is completely alone and no one can hear you so that she feels free to say “YES” to you without any problem.

Ask her out in a suitable place, you can’t ask her out in the middle of an exam or when you are at a wake.

Don’t do it either when she’s already getting into her car and is about to leave, because you won’t give her time to think or allow you to tell her the details of the place where you were planning to take her.

Not knowing anything and taking her by surprise, she will tell you that they will talk about it later and this would become a huge delay since you would have to approach her again another time and if you do it too soon she might think that you are desperate.

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Avoid being vague about details

The worst thing you can do is not know before inviting her where you would like to go with her, imagine the scenario, you ask her out and she says “Yes” without further ado, without ifs or buts, but when she asks you where they are going , you tell him that you have no idea.

The last thing women want is to go out with an indecisive guy, that tells us that they don’t even know what they want and this could ruin your date.

It is at this moment where you will make use of the information obtained from the previous research that you should have done about their tastes and hobbies.

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You must have a couple of options and you must also take into account your tastes and try to combine a place that she likes with one that you like so that you feel comfortable and can feel in a comfortable environment and have control complete of the situation.

This way your confidence will increase by not feeling in a place outside your environment and you will act more naturally.

Use a fun and informal tone of voice

Try to be as relaxed as possible, remember that it’s just a date! You won’t ask her to marry you either, so it’s not a big deal, use a funny tone of voice, tell her a joke, if you can make her laugh a little before asking her out she will be much more relaxed and your chances of getting a yes increase.

Avoid planning a big date or something that may sound too formal, otherwise she might feel that you are going too fast and you may scare her, try to keep it as casual as possible.

For nothing in the world do you think that the first date could be in a restaurant on the outskirts of the city or something that is too far from her house and implies that the only one who can take her back to her house would be you.

With this you would activate their means of defense, they could have a certain degree of distrust and reject your invitation.

The easiest way you could get a girl to agree to go out with you is to flirt with her and show that you are fun.

Flirting with a girl is actually very easy, all you need is a little self-confidence and knowing how to properly combine playful banter by letting her know that you are interested in her.

If you put this in your favor, she will notice that you are a happy, entertaining and sociable boy, which will make you a challenge for her and you will automatically gain all her attention.

Confidence in themselves makes the people around them fall in love, they speak with confidence and without worries.

Start the conversation informally, joke with her, try to keep all your jokes on an appropriate topic, you can’t joke about her acne or topics that could make her feel uncomfortable.

You must express yourself with confidence both when asking her for the date and on the date itself, show your interest in her by asking her questions about trivial topics, avoid being nosy or trying to find out information on topics that are too personal.

Women are very expressive, you can start asking her about her hobbies and move forward trying to get to know her a little better, the moment you ask something that she considers personal or that she simply doesn’t want to tell you (if you are attentive you will notice it immediately).

His tone of voice will change instantly, the expression on his face will be different or he will try to change the topic, this is a warning sign for you and from now on you should avoid the topic until you feel that the trust between you has increased.

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