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35 topics to talk about on a first date –

Some feel sorry and others fear on the first date: they simply have no idea how to act and that leads to moments of very uncomfortable silences that end in a bad experience.

The first and most valuable advice is to assume a positive and motivating attitude. That will be what will help you in everything: both to memorize the advice in this blog and to successfully apply it to make a good impression.

Next, we will give you 35 conversation opener recommendations to bring up fun and genuine topics.

1. Admit that you are a little nervous

Do this at the beginning of the date. It is very likely that the other person will admit that they are too and this will help break the ice and lower the tension between the two with some laughter and complicity.

In addition, these types of expressions make you look like an honest and calm person, and demonstrate your genuine interest.

2. What town are you from? Where you grew up?

For someone who is interested in getting to know another person, it is great to start this way, as it shows that you want to get to know a lot about them.

Bringing up these topics in conversation makes you seem much more interested in their personal life.

3. What are the places you frequent most?

Talking about things that inspire feeling is a good way to lengthen the conversation. If she is going to comment on a specific place, she will say the reasons why she likes it and will feel happy to talk about something that is unusual.

There are those who like the beach, others enjoy going to the mountains, some love to visit cities, some more adventurous ones love backpacking around the world… the truth is that it is an interesting topic to learn much more about and even to make a proposal. for another appointment.

4. What’s on your wish list?

Most people always have a wish list. This question often becomes impossible to evade, since people do not expect to appear empty and without aspirations.

On this occasion, your interlocutor has the opportunity to be more open and sincere with you, and at the same time joke at some points.

5. What is the scariest thing that has happened to you?

Very good anecdotes come out of this question that are interesting to tell. We have all experienced memorable moments of danger, so it won’t be difficult to speak fluently without missing details.

Remembering events like when the plane’s turbine turned off at 42,000 feet above sea level or when you were assaulted, or when you had an accident… it’s not the most pleasant thing, but it does make for a lot of conversation and even to feel good for having overcome that terrible moment. .

6. What is your favorite drink?

It’s not necessarily about talking about alcoholic beverages. Many people are fans of cold coffees, others of tea… You can talk about interesting places and even traditions from foreign towns.

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7. What makes you laugh?

It is an excellent question to gain a little more confidence. We all like to laugh at something or spend time watching something funny, so it won’t be difficult to talk about a television show, a particular series or a film that is worth recommending.

This theme helps to release a little sense of humor and at the same time laugh, as well as to forge empathy.

8. What do you do after work?

In general, this type of question is usually asked when you start a conversation on Tinder or social networks, but many times the topic is not addressed in terms of hobbies, habits or extracurricular activities.

They can mention that they go to the gym, to a particular cafe, to a dance studio… which will allow you to know their availability of time to arrange future appointments.

9. Do you like to cook?

It is a common question to open a great debate. With this question you have the possibility of knowing what her favorite dishes or foods are, you can ask her for suggestions or tell her about something you ate so that she can also tell about her gastronomic experiences.

We all have something that delights us, we are even fans of food combinations or strange meals that others may find interesting or familiar.

10. Do you keep in touch with your childhood friends?

This is a great question and a fun topic. It always makes for a very emotional conversation, as it makes you remember your younger days and old friendships.

In particular, this approach to conversation can allow your date to show his more sociable and friendly side, if he is the type who likes to maintain friendships. If someone keeps in touch with childhood friends, it might give you an idea of ​​what their childhood was like.

11. What were you like as a child?

It’s a wonderful way to continue discovering someone’s life. If she was introverted and shy, if she was the popular girl at school or if she was the rebel… it is a good opportunity to reflect on all the changes she has made over time and learn a little more about her personal life. she.

This topic can generate many surprises when you learn about other aspects of the personality that would not have crossed your mind, generating laughter and giving rise to new topics to talk about.

12. What is your favorite movie?

Most people like to talk about current movies or television shows. A very fashionable topic is Netflix: its movies, series and documentaries make this platform almost the topic of conversation of the day.

With this theme you can take the opportunity to ask for recommendations or agree to criticize something in particular, fostering trust between the two of you.

13. What would be your dream job?

You may come across a person who already has the job of their dreams, but the reality is that many people may have the idea of ​​creating their own business or working in another area or company, even in another country…

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Anyway, their response may surprise you and will help you learn about their growth aspirations.

14. What is your least favorite household chore?

Housework is a fact of life and doing them is not pleasant at all, but there is always one that you hate the most. Therefore, you can give yourself the opportunity to tell a couple of very funny anecdotes worth remembering.

15. What do you like to waste money on?

There are people who love to buy shoes, others who have large music collections, some who take a big trip once a year…

This question helps you “take a look” into what they are really passionate about: whether you are dealing with a compulsive consumer or an inveterate money saver.

16. How do you spend your holidays?

The answer is probably: “I spend it with my family”, but it can be made much more interesting if you tell anecdotes or talk about the closest people with whom you always travel.

17. What would you like to know?

For those who like to read, perhaps a specific location; others, the true reason for living or the life of penguins… for some more extreme, the moon, the bottom of the sea…

The truth is that this question helps you find out what your aspirations are and, at the same time, play a little with your imagination.

18. If you could get on a plane right now, where would you go?

This is an exciting and light-hearted conversation opener (after all, who doesn’t love to travel and explore new places?).

It is ideal if you want to propose tourism in the future. This topic can also lead to exchanging stories of your past trips, favorite destinations, and talking about the places you want to visit in the future.

19. What is the food you have enjoyed the most?

It would be much easier to ask, “What is your favorite food?” But the intention of doing it this way is so that they can talk about those typical moments of gluttony in which you are able to eat a whole pizza, order a double portion at dawn or it makes you relive good memories.

20. Did you have any nicknames as a child?

What did it mean? What do they call you in the family? You’ll probably both end up laughing after telling each other the origin of your nicknames.

It can be a little embarrassing, but it’s a great way to open up to someone and have a light-hearted conversation.

21. Is there anything difficult to guess about you?

This icebreaker indirectly tells your date that you want to get to know them on a more personal basis. You will have the opportunity to take the conversation in a flirtatious or serious direction.

It also gives your companion the opportunity to talk about whatever they want without feeling compromised.

22. What do you think is your most attractive quality?

If you find it difficult to say something good about yourself, with this question you can answer more confidently about the positive things you have as a person.

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Either way, this is a great way to find out what she really likes and what she thinks about herself.

23. What has been the most significant year of your life so far?

This question will take the conversation in a direction where there will be reflective thoughts. You’ll get to hear some of his life story and hopefully some powerful moments.

24. If you won a million dollars tomorrow, what would you do?

This one is super fun and will give you a clue as to what matters most to him, what his level of vanity is, who he would like to help, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera…

25. What are you most afraid of?

They may respond: to spiders, to heights, to darkness… but if you take it to a deeper level, they could talk about their phobias and even the scary moments they have had.

26. Who do you talk to the most?

There is a theory that says that we are the product of the five people we spend the most time with; So knowing who these people are in the life of the girl you are probably in a relationship with is favorable for your future.

27. If you were stranded on an island, what would be the three objects you would like to have with you?

It is a peculiar question that will show your playful side. You’ll discover what he values ​​most in his life and get an idea of ​​how his mind works.

28. What do you like most about living here?

It’s great if you weren’t born locally or are new in town. You can talk about the places you like, see what you have in common, establish a bond with the people, the culture…

29. What are the five things you want to achieve before you die?

You will gain important insight into your goals and priorities in life. You can evaluate whether she is philanthropic, vain, conformist or not very futuristic.

30. What kind of books do you like to read?

This is a good way to find out what your intellectual interests and passions are.

31. How do you like to spend your nights?

This gives you a clue as to how he spends most of his time, whether he has free time after work or if, on the contrary, he needs to occupy himself with something.

32. Do you have a best friend?

This may or may not be the same person you spend most of your time with. If her best friend is someone very close to her due to a particular incidence (good or bad), ask her about it.

33. What would you like to be better at?

Ask him what skills he wants to acquire or hone in his career and life in general. If she is ambitious, the…

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