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5 ways to start a conversation on Messenger –

If you have ever felt a very strong attraction for a woman you have not met in person, then the million-dollar question comes to mind: “how to start a conversation on Messenger?”

If you are meeting someone for the first time, Facebook is usually one of the most effective strategies for many singles. So today we will tell you how you can approach that person who has you sighing.

What you must not do…


If you want to get someone’s attention and get them interested in dating you, make sure they are commitment-free or not interested in another guy. This way it will not only be easier to talk to her, but you will avoid problems.

Therefore, before explaining how to start a Messenger conversation with a girl, We give you two recommendations to keep in mind and why you should avoid writing to a woman:

If you are in a relationship.Or if it is a person very close to your ex for a long time.

How to start a conversation on Messenger with a woman?

If we talk about starting a conversation on Facebook, we could say that it is easy, all you have to do is say “!Hello!”… But getting a response and making the conversation last can be challenging.

If you meet the girl, things could get better. But if you don’t know it, then we advise you to take note of our following recommendations so that you can learn how to start a conversation on Messenger effectively and without many complications.

Thanks to dating apps today, interaction is much more creative, so we can now talk about “conversation openers.” That’s why we want to share with you these five ways to open a conversation genuinely:

1. My mother thinks I should go out with you

You can say to someone you like, “Can I ask you a question?” After the statement, tell him: “I showed your profile to my mom and she told me that she should go out with you… what do I tell her?”

2. What do you think of people who get dates on Facebook?

This question is usually excellent for opening an effective conversation with someone you want to flirt with.

3. Marry, fuck or kill

It is usually a very nice game for people with a good sense of humor, since it consists of selecting three people to relate to each of the words.

4. Ask for a Netflix suggestion

Depending on their tastes, publications or comments… you can ask them for a suggestion to watch on Netflix… Many are fans of this platform’s programming, so it will be a very timely question to start talking.

5. What do you see in this image?

Anything that has to do with challenges, riddles or riddles is a great way to start a genuine conversation. Find something interesting that you can share and see if he or she wants to play along.

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Tips for starting a conversation with a woman on Messenger

Take note of these tips so that you can start a conversation with a girl on Messenger without problems.


1. Avoid just greetings

Don’t start what could be a pleasant conversation with, “Hi, how are you?” Or a: “Is everything okay?”

Ask more direct questions that allow him to give longer answers. There are many interesting things you can talk to a girl about; You just have to choose a topic that is interesting to her. Something like:

– Hey! How was the party last night? Who did it all?

– That is a wonderful image.

2. Think of subtle ways to flatter

One of the best ways to start a conversation with a girl is to compliment her. Say nice things that make her laugh or use clever one-liners to make a difference in a conversation.

3. Give him timely compliments

Congratulate her on something at the right time. A photo of an event or something you’ve accomplished are often perfect opportunities to make a direct, sincere, and pleasant comment.

4. Take advantage of the information you share to talk about things in common

If you are at the same university, you can talk about a particular activity or trip that is being planned. If you have friends in common, you can talk about them.

If you know her, it may be advisable to ask her for some type of suggestion or some information about her favorite artist.

What is the best way to greet a woman?

Greeting a girl can be simple, especially if you are open and know what you are going to say.

We are going to give you some tactics as “rules” that will help you appear confident, normal and approachable when greeting a woman on Messenger:

1. Be respectful

It is unacceptable for you to say something that makes her uncomfortable, especially if your goal is to get a date.

2. Be genuine

Don’t tell him something that all men are tempted to say, because you will become one of the crowd.

3. Be extroverted

Most women like to date guys who have a good sense of humor.

4. Be patient

Avoid making the mistake of sending him messages as soon as he confirms your friend request. Let some time pass and don’t react or comment on everything she publishes… Show interest in knowing something about her after a little time passes.

How to start a conversation on Messenger with a stranger?

When it comes to a stranger, it can be a little more difficult to have a pleasant conversation, but these tips can help you approach it in a way that she likes:

1. Choose a time when it is connected

Avoid sending messages in the early hours of the morning or at a time when she may be busy.

2. Look for a reference as a topic of conversation

Ask things like: Do problems persist at your university…? Do you know where I can get it?

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3. Use humorous posts to make a direct comment

Make a comment that gives him the opportunity to respond in a witty way and then let him know that you find his opinion funny. This way you show him that you appreciate his sense of humor with another comment and that will extend the conversation.

4. Avoid harassment

If she hasn’t responded to you on one occasion, it means she’s not really interested in you… An interested woman works just like any other person to respond, except that sometimes they tend to let a few days go by to look a little more interesting and less easy to conquer.

How to start a conversation with a girl on Messenger?

Before starting a conversation on Messenger, keep in mind that for it to be effective you must have certain things in your favor, such as being of an appropriate age (not older or younger by many years), having the same cultural level, living in the same city, having things in common, being single…

In addition, there are many cases of couples who have broken all stereotypes, but generally conversations become more effective when there are particular interests.

Next, we will tell you the five things you need to know to start a conversation on Messenger successfully:

1. Take care of your vocabulary

Your way of expressing yourself may not be appropriate for someone who does not know your intentions. No matter how young you may be, it is always better to leave the colloquialism for when you know each other better.

2. Be careful of spelling errors

This will give you a lot to talk about, for better or worse.

3. Avoid appearing conceited

Most women are uncomfortable talking to guys who always talk about everything they have.

4. Start a conversation between 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.

The time it starts is important to achieve a feedback Too much faster; That is why the hours between afternoon and evening are the most recommended, since most people are already on break.

5. Make sure you do some research on her before starting the conversation.

Try not to make the mistake of talking to someone who is married or with whom you may have an altercation over some type of comment.

How to start a conversation on Messenger with your crush?

Finally, you have found the girl of your dreams on Facebook, but you don’t have to rack your brain thinking about how and when to send her a little message, just be prepared for the right moment:

Use birthdays to break the ice. To start a conversation with the person you like, on Messenger, you must wait for the right opportunity. Give an honest compliment. Tell them directly about an accomplishment they recently posted. It causes a moment of doubt. Ask him about someone or something so that you can ask him several questions and open an interaction.

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An additional tip: avoid showing yourself as the person who has been following their trail for a while, that can put anyone under tension, especially if they don’t know about you.

How to start a conversation on Facebook with an unknown woman?

When you want to start a conversation with an unknown woman on Facebook, it is better that you take into account some things so that you can receive a good feedback:

Send him a message to clarify a question or tell him something that might spark his interest a little. Be careful with your written expression. Be careful of spelling errors. Choose a weekend or a time when it is connected so that you can respond more calmly.

How to start a conversation with a woman?

One of the things we must take care of when starting a conversation with a woman we like is our language.

It is normal for you to feel a little nervous or stressed if you like the girl a lot, but avoid revealing your emotions, since in this situation you can make something reckless that leaves you very bad.

You must appear confident in yourself; That will help you be taken more into account.

Start a conversation in a very friendly way and take the opportunity to ask him something personal like: «Have you graduated yet?”, “Do you have many friends in…?”, among others.

How to start a conversation on Facebook for the first time?

Try to meet new people through a common interest. Look at all the things he likes to get topics of conversation.

To have a conversation, it is as important to know how to start a conversation without causing boredom as it is to know how to maintain it and make it repeat itself.

It begins with: “Coca-Cola or Pepsi?”, “Coffee or beer?” or with any trivia that persuades her to start a game or conversation.

How to start a conversation on Messenger with a boy?

Unlike women, guys tend to be much more open with the people who write to them.

If you are determined, or determined, and want to get their attention, react or comment on a couple of their posts. If you know her well, you can send her a more direct signal to see if she is willing to have a conversation with you.

Next, we will tell you the five things you should know to start a pleasant conversation with a man on Facebook Messenger:

1. He will pay attention to you if he knows who you are

If you have never met him, it is unlikely that he will agree to have a serious conversation with you.

Younger kids often use this type of media to play pranks on others, which ends up being an unreliable channel for them.

2. Ask them something based on their profile information


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