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• 29 tips to make a man fall in love with you step by step, make him ADDICTED to you

If you have already fallen in love with him or are falling in love, read this until the end, because I am going to reveal the secrets so that that man who has you thinking about him all day becomes completely addicted to you, thinks about you all day , and I miss you when I’m not with you…

These secrets I have never revealed before.

Why should you be patient to make the man you love fall in love with you?

If you are already falling in love with him, I understand that you are in a vulnerable state waiting for him to feel the same way about you, you would do anything to make him love you.

But stop a little, because if you put pressure on it, you might ruin everything. Love takes time, and it comes at different times for everyone.

And sometimes it never comes. Do not blame yourself. If she doesn’t fall in love with you, it’s because she wasn’t for you. As time passes, you will look at a thousand reasons because that is true.

If you really love him, you will wait for him.

You are going to learn how to make the man you love fall in love with you, make him miss you, let’s start with the strategies to make a man fall in love with you.

1. Make him feel needed (but without being desperate)

Yes, I know that if you are an independent woman you do not occupy a man, but the truth is that men like to feel needed by a woman. There is an entire evolutionary history that the man is the provider and protector in the relationship. Yes, you can change the light bulb in your house or change the flat tire on your car yourself, but that doesn’t mean you should.

If you’ve been single for a while, you’ve gotten used to doing everything yourself, this may take a while to get used to, but the next time you take on something that you know your man can do, ask him for help.

That’s all, just ask him for help.

Not only will it give you a purpose, the man with a purpose is a better man, you will also feel nice that you can have the support of someone else.

Video on how to make a man fall in love

Watch our video on how to make a man fall in love with you and make him addicted to you:

2. Make him miss you

If you are falling in love, you would want to spend all your time with him. Maybe he wants that too. But let’s move a little further away from the 24/7 relationship.

Having time for yourself is healthy for any couple. It gives you time to do things alone or spend time with your friends (don’t be that girl who doesn’t look at her friends anymore since she has a boyfriend). That gives you something to talk about when you’re with him. Having time apart gives balance to the relationship and gives him a chance to miss you.

When he misses you, he thinks about you, he thinks about how he feels about you.

Watch our video on how to make a man miss you below:

3. Let out who you really are

Authenticity is a virtue these days. Every woman is unique and attractive in her own way. And for every woman, there is at least one man who is delirious to know her, love her or admire her.

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Don’t be afraid to be yourself. If your personality is more introverted, sensual, innocent or even a mix of each at any given time, there will always be a man willing to take a chance on you and court you.

The right man will love you for who you really are.

Do not try to imitate other women’s behaviors, nor pretend to be the attractive model in the magazine, because if you put your essence at stake, you will lose self-esteem and security.

Whether you take control by being dominant, or prefer to go little by little, your comfort is not negotiable!

The first person you must always attract and with whom you must agree and be accountable every day is the image that your mirror projects when you are in front of it: YOU!

Watch our video on how to be a high value woman:

4. Support him in what he likes, is passionate about, and strives for.

Show interest in what interests him and take care of him. Look, you don’t need to fake interest in football, bodybuilding, electronic music, hiking, if that’s not what you like, but if your man likes that kind of thing, support him, that will make him fall in love with you.

If he’s going to play soccer, ask him how it went, ask him who scored the goals. You’re not pretending to like those things, but you’re showing that you respect that he likes them, and you’re not telling him all the time that you don’t like them and that he shouldn’t do it.

One study showed that people are attracted to other people who ask questions, especially follow-up questions; follow-up questions indicate that you are really interested and paying attention.

So don’t stop asking him how his soccer game went, ask him when his next game will be. If you don’t know much about his hobby, he can gladly explain it to you if you show him curiosity.

When you talk, interesting in his tastes and activities, if he tells you something about an upcoming work meeting or an exam he is going to take, try to ask him about this topic so that he notices that you are involved in his things and that you take his life into account, You will make him feel that he is important and special to someone.

Give him support, if you know he will have a job interview this week, send him a WhatsApp message wishing him success. One of the foundations of a successful relationship is mutual support, when your partner feels that you are there for him, he feels great, and when you support him, and have a strategy to make to make a man fall in love with you, you are on your way to making your man falls in love with you.

5. Admire his masculinity

Men love it when you admire how masculine they are. That doesn’t mean you should go overboard and squeeze your biceps every time you see it.

Being masculine is not just about muscle and testosterone, it is also about being vulnerable and a person of value to society. Be a good couple. So whatever he means to you, let him know that you admire those qualities about him.

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Even the most sensitive guys need to feel like a man from time to time. Give him a jar for him to open, or to help you with some small repair that you “can’t” do yourself, make him feel that you need him for your survival, true or not, this makes your man feel that you need him and he He will feel very good with you.

6. Make it a better version but don’t try to change it

I love Jorge… except when he drinks a lot.

He is perfect for me…. If only he didn’t get so angry when he drives.

Yes there are some things you won’t like about it, but it shouldn’t be a big problem. You should not think that as time passes you will change what you do not like, it is very difficult to change for an adult, you will never be able to change it. Oh really.

If there is something very serious about him that you don’t like about this man, it means that he is not for you. Let go. You’ll be better off staying away from him in the long run.

Men who are with women who are constantly giving them suggestions on how they would be better tend to distance themselves from them. Pay attention to what you are telling him, if you constantly send him messages of “you should stop…” you are going to lose him. Instead love him with all his flaws, he will do the same.

We all want to be with someone who makes us better people, but that doesn’t mean you should criticize them all the time, encourage them to do the things they like to do and give them space to do them.

7. Give him compliments… but only if he deserves it

I’m not saying you’re praising him all the time.

«Oh Juanito, you are incredible… that shirt looks incredible on you»

«Oh Juanito, you are so strong»

«Oh Juanito I wouldn’t know what to do if you»»

I do not mean that. What I mean is that you are free to tell him when you think of a compliment, that is, if you really think he looks good in that shirt, tell him, because many people don’t say compliments enough, even when they think about it.

Think about how great you felt when someone complimented you, and you know they meant it. So the next time you think something positive about him, say it.

8. Be patient

Don’t want to rush things too much, remember that if he is giving you signs that he is not interested in you because of the way you are, think things through so you can see if it really suits you and you want to be with him, but if he still So you are convinced that you want to make him fall in love with you, be patient and realize that it may cost you more work to get what you want.

He may not know why he feels this way. All he knows is that there is something special about you that he doesn’t feel in any other woman in his life. That’s love.

If you feel like you’re going to explode if you don’t tell her how you feel, better tell a friend. She will support you and also help you analyze whether the man you like also feels the same way or not. If she thinks he doesn’t feel the same way about you, she’ll tell you, and save you the shame of one-sided love.

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If you rush it, you may be disappointed. Keep that in mind.

If you’re still desperate to let him know how you feel, try writing it down in a journal. This will help you process how you feel. It never hurts to write down what you feel, it helps you analyze the situation better.

9. Let him know what you are passionate about, this will make him want more

Just remember to be yourself when you talk to your guy, this is essential if your boyfriend is someone who is used to people approaching him. It is important that you stay different from the competition, so you will stand out more than the rest, do not be one of the crowd that is behind him because he is attractive, be special, unique and fun, this means that you take things with caution. calm down and let me know you.

Don’t pressure yourself to do things that you don’t necessarily enjoy in order to be unique and try to please him, stay comfortable with your actions and be yourself, a worthwhile man will feel good with a girl who has her limits.

That being said, don’t be afraid to do new and different things, if you like a music group that you’ve never heard or haven’t bothered to know about that band, give yourself a chance and you might like it too if you put With a little effort, this will give you the ease of creating a genuine opinion (even if you have different ideas) and you will have a common topic to talk about.

10. Show him that you appreciate him and make him feel like a better person with you

Think about how you feel all those times he brought you the lavender latte with cinnamon and lactose-free milk that you like on your break at work. This small detail shows that he cares and appreciates you.

What can you do to make him feel that you appreciate him?

Think of things that make your life easier. Maybe he’s very busy, so you can pick up his laundry or walk his dog.

Maybe he’s really stressed lately, so you fill his room with candles, play him a romantic song, and give him a 30-minute massage.

Find ways to make him smile.

Post a note to his laptop. Bring him breakfast in bed.

Tell him thank you for no other reason than how wonderful he is. The more he feels appreciated by you, the more he will feel the love you have for him.

It’s not something you have to do every day. But you can melt your boy with details like telling him that he is the best at what he does, that you admire the qualities he has, you can pamper him from time to time with culinary details, if you make him a sandwich and bring him a beer for no reason. apparent.

11. Find activities that you both like

It is more pleasant to be…

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