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What does it mean to dream that they want to kill you? It could be more serious than you imagine

dreams are a window to our subconscious and they can reveal a lot about our deepest thoughts, emotions and desires.

Throughout history, they have been the subject of fascination and study, and many cultures believe in their importance as symbolic messages. In fact, it is said that the interpret dreams It can give us a deeper understanding of ourselves and help us navigate the challenges of everyday life. And well, one of the recurring reasons in dreams is thinking that they want to kill youwhich evokes a wide range of emotions and symbolism.

So below we will explore what it means to dream that they want to kill you.

What does it mean to dream that they want to kill you?

Maybe it has happened to you and you don’t even understand why.

There are those who say that it could be due to stress, that you are not sleeping well, or that someone could actually be stalking you and you don’t even notice.

To clear up your doubts, I decided to write about some interpretations of what What does it mean to dream that they kill you?but before you start reading them, we ask that after having a dream like these, you stay calm and not become paranoid.

When an acquaintance wants to kill you

If a person you know appears in your dream and wants to kill you, it means that you probably did some harm to him and now you think he could seek revenge, what you can do to stop dreaming about this is to ‘make peace’ so that Your subconscious leaves you alone.

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Dreaming that they want to kill you from behind

This is a reflection of your own insecurities, you feel so vulnerable that you think anyone can hurt you. You are distrustful and find it difficult to believe in the sincerity of others. Maybe if you risked trusting a little more these dreams would disappear.

Dreaming that they want to kill you…but they can’t

Suppose that in your dream, a sniper or a hitman tries to kill you but the bullets do not reach you, this only means one thing, your effort and dedication has aroused envy, but you have not allowed them to affect you. Everything is fine with you.

that you have lost hope

This definition is the saddest, but it may have a lot of truth. Sometimes when we dream that they want to kill us, it is because we have lost all hope in humanity. With each passing day we learn about discouraging things that little by little make us lose faith that things can change. If this is your case, encourage yourself to believe in people again.

Dreaming that several people want to kill you

What does it mean to dream that they want to kill you? several people, this is neither more nor less than you are not managing to resolve several obstacles in your personal and professional life. Don’t let this stop you from getting what you’ve always wanted.

Finally, if the topic of dreams interests you, our sister site Salud180 offers various content of this type such as Does having an intimate dream with someone mean that you are attracted to them?

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