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How to prevent and treat asthma from natural medicine

He bronchial asthma is one of the most common allergic-type diseases and is characterized by a feeling short of breath, with cough, fast breathingwhistling breath sounds, and thick expectoration.

It is estimated that in Spain there are more than three million asthmatic adults and more than half a million children up to 14 years of age.

75% of asthmatics have an allergic substratethat is, they have been diagnosed with an allergy.

These people often make excessive amounts of immunoglobulin E (IgE)a type of antibody that, when reacting with the allergen (pollen, mites, etc.), causes the release of chemical mediators of inflammation.

This induces the bronchial smooth muscle contractionas well as increased secretion of mucus and inflammation of the bronchi, all of which hinders the passage of air.

People with asthma are often said to be “hyperreactive” in the sense that they have a facility for sudden contraction of the small smooth muscles of the bronchial tubes.

What types of asthma are there?

Asthma is usually divided into two main categories: extrinsic and intrinsic.

The first is considered allergic and is accompanied by an increase in serum IgE levels. The intrinsic is associated with a bronchial reaction not due to allergens but to toxic products, cold air, exercise, infections or intense emotional states.

But in both types substances such as histamine are releasedinvolved in inflammatory processes.

There is in asthma a genetic component or hereditary. Allergy sufferers can pass on to their offspring what might be called a “allergic constitution”, be it to the children or taking one or more generational leaps. The odds increase when both parents are allergic.

Does the environment influence the development of asthma?

However, the fact that asthma has doubled its incidence in recent years forces us to focus attention on certain environmental factors.

This increase not only due to allergenic stimuli (dust mites, pollens, animal hair), but is related to relatively new factors such as environmental pollution (chemical and electromagnetic), cigarette smoke, industrial food (additives such as preservatives and dyes), the abuse of drugs (anti-inflammatories and beta-blockers) and vaccinesjust like him stress and more recently climate change.

This makes the defensive systemwhich should protect us from real dangers (pathogenic microorganisms, cancer cells…), is altered and sometimes overreact against natural stimuli (humidity, dust, food…) that in principle should not trigger the allergy alarm.

Scientists from the University of Michigan point out that antibiotics can modify the intestinal flora and increase the presence of yeasts (Candida albicans)which in turn favors an immune alteration with exaggerated responses to common substances present in the air.

The exaggerated use of antibiotics in the child would hinder the proper maturation of their immune system.

Is excessive hygiene bad?

A surprising hypothesis is the one that affirms that an excess of hygieneespecially in children, favors the appearance of asthma and eczema.

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It means that in the last decades it has gone from macroscopic hygiene (avoid visible dirt) to another microscopic (Aseptic against microbes).

According to this hypothesis, the greater the obsession with hygiene, the more allergic diseases.

The body’s defenses are designed to act, for example, against infections, but in a germ-poor environmentthe immune system would attack nondescript substances in the form of allergies or even favoring autoimmune diseases.

What diet is the most appropriate?

A balanced diet, rich in unprocessed and plant-based foodsseems to be the most indicated to prevent asthma.

A study on the eating habits of several thousand women shows that those who consume a high percentage of carrots, tomatoes and vegetables in general have a lower incidence of asthma.

It has been proven that vegetables rich in vitamins (C, B and E) and flavonoids They help prevent allergies.

It is also recommended include garlic and onions in food, as they contain a powerful flavonoid, the quercetin, which helps decrease allergic reactions. He lycopene present in tomato would act in the same sense.

The intake of hydrogenated fats such as margarine, chocolate and sugar should be avoided or moderated. There is also a higher prevalence of asthma among those who abuse salt.

One of the agents involved in the inflammatory process of asthma is the arachidonic acida fatty acid present in cell membranes.

A study carried out in Germany has shown that asthma is more common in children with elevated levels of this acid. Foods rich in this substance are meat, shellfish or peanuts.

People with an asthmatic tendency should reduce their intake and take foods rich in omega-3 or plugins based on gamma linolenic acid (borage or evening primrose oil), which decrease the presence of arachidonic acid.

The role of probiotics and antioxidants

probiotics are bacteria that promote intestinal health and therefore that of the whole organism.

The best known is the Lactobacillus acidophilus of yogurt, but there are many others: Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, etc.

Are used to restore intestinal florafor example after an antibiotic treatment, which strengthens the immune system.

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He pharmacological treatment of asthma (corticosteroids, bronchodilators, etc.) is useful and necessary on many occasions, but it is not exempt from side effects and it does not provide the “terrain” correction that favors that exaggerated immune response.

The study of natural substances present in food and can be taken as a dietary supplement indicates its possible use for prevent asthma or relieve its symptoms.

Several authors consider that the presence of free radicals (some generated by the body, but many due to pollution) influence the appearance of asthma, so it begins to be used antioxidant therapy:

The vitamin C It is very useful for being a great natural antioxidant. Taking it when performing intense physical activity helps those who suffer exercise-induced bronchospasm.The Vitamin E has a positive effect against asthma due to its antioxidant power and because modulates the immune system and reduces the allergic reaction. pyridoxine or vitamin B6 in supplements has been shown to have a beneficial effect on symptoms.The b12 vitamin (at a dose of 1.5 mg) decreases the appearance of bronchospasm in non-allergic asthmatic processesas in those induced by sulphites (present, for example, in wine). selenium is a powerful antioxidant that protects against asthma, as it is part of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that works by eliminating free radicals. Its action is reinforced by that of vitamin E, since both protect cells from oxidation. Deficiency in zincnecessary for a adequate immune responseis common in people with asthma, so supplementation could help. magnesium intervenes avoiding bronchospasm, which is useful because the contractility of the bronchial smooth muscles increases in the asthmatic process. A higher intracellular concentration of this mineral also exerts a beneficial anti-inflammatory effect.

Does asthma have an emotional component?

In the asthmatic picture there is a clear emotional component, which It does not mean that it is the main cause.

Not just respiratory distress causes anguish in those who suffer from it, but the asthmatic tendency occurs more frequently in generally sensitive people.

Excess sensitivity to external allergenic factors can go hand in hand with some emotional hypersensitivity.

Pulmonologists are increasingly checking the relationship of asthma to stress, anxiety or depressionevidencing that the emotional component affects the evolution and prognosis of the disease.

Antonio Cano Vindelfrom the Faculty of Psychology of the Complutense University of Madrid, explains it this way: “There are two main ways in which anxiety can affect asthma, the first is through hyperventilation, or rapid breathingand is closely related to those answers that accompany any intense emotional statelike crying or laughing. The second path is bronchoconstrictive responsewhich increases through the autonomic nervous system changes that occur in every emotional reaction”.

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The possible relationship between asthma and emotions has been scientifically proven by researchers from the University of Wisconsin (USA), who have verified that there are two regions of the brain (the anterior cingulate cortex and the insula) involved in inflammation and airway obstruction.

It sometimes happens that the asthmatic, compared to the fear of having an attackcan to some extent favor its appearancementally anticipating what may happen.

That’s why the relaxation techniques, yoga and meditationas well as homeopathy -both in children and adults-, can be important to reduce asthmatic attacks.

Sunbathing to prevent asthma

According to Australian researchers, moderate doses of ultraviolet light (15 to 30 minutes) before exposure to an allergen in the laboratory reduce the respiratory symptoms of asthma.

28% of asthmatic children present low levels of vitamin Dwhich is related to an increase in allergic markers such as IgE and eosinophils.

This vitamin is important in pregnancysince the children of deficient mothers have a greater risk of suffering from asthma.

The sunshine is the main factor that allows the synthesis of vitamin D in the organism through its irradiation on the skin.

It is not necessary that it be on the entire surface of the body, but it is convenient get moderate sun throughout the year.

10 strategies to overcome asthma

Do exercise. Asthmatics who engage in moderate and regular physical exercise increase lung ventilation and oxygenation capacityas well as cardiovascular health.Avoid cow’s milk. The homogenization of its protein creates molecules capable of crossing the intestinal wall and causing symptoms at the level of the respiratory mucosa.eat apple. Eat at least two apples a week decreases between 22 and 32% the risk of asthma. If taken in the form of juice increases its effectiveness.Homeopathy. It can be applied against acute attacks, but above all it can be beneficial for prevent and treat asthmatic tendency. Phytotherapy. Several plants can help: dong quai (Angelica sinensis)which inhibits the production of IgE); licoriceanti-inflammatory and anti-allergic; chilliwhose capsaicin fights asthma attacks, etc.Chinese traditional medicine. By regulating the energy of the meridians through acupuncture, massages and medicinal plantsmay be beneficial in patients…

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