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LIIT: low-intensity interval training is ideal for beginners –

If you get scared when you hear the acronym HIITwe have good news: the LIIT (low-intensity interval training), which, unlike high-intensity interval training, values ​​a less intense sequence with longer intervals. This makes the modality ideal for those who are starting to practice. physical activity.

Were you curious? Clarify some questions below:

What is LIIT and how does it work?

Low-intensity interval training is based on exercises performed at a lower intensity and with a longer recovery time between them. Sessions last between 40 and 60 minutes – to give you an idea, tabata, the best-known HIIT training protocol, lasts 4 minutes. In LIIT, the key is to focus on movement control, not speed or reps.

Does it work for any exercise?

Yes! Walk, raceswimming or bodybuilding: All modalities can be adapted for low-intensity interval training. “From aerobics to weight-bearing exercises, just talk to a qualified professional to create a specific sequence for you”, explains Eduardo Netto, technical director of Bodytech, in São Paulo.

What are the main advantages of LIIT?

The most important is the low dropout rate, as this type of training does not exhaust the body (it is designed with the necessary number of intervals to ensure that you do not tire quickly). Also, these exercises are great for prevent injuries.

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Who is it for?

Mainly beginners or those who have been away from the academy and physical activity in general. “Light and long workouts provide more adequate physiological adaptations than sessions that ask for a very intense effort”, concludes Eduardo. that is, the metabolism responds better to stimuli, and then the results appear.

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How often should it be practiced?

The ideal is to complete a total of 150 minutes (or more) in the week, according to your routine – it can be four sessions of 40 minutes or three of an hour. Just remember to spread out the activity from Monday to Friday and avoid exercising for three or four days in a row and spending the rest of the week on a break. Thus, the body is constantly stimulated.

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Are there any contraindications?

No, but it’s always important to talk to a physical education professional before starting any activity. He will carry out an assessment and a stress test to guide you and alert you to possible risks.

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