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Should I consult a doctor before starting training? – GOOD SHAPE

You should consult a cardiologist or sports doctor, who can refer you to other specialists if necessary.

For sure. One of the most important points is the cardiological evaluation, since many diseases that affect the heart are silent and can cause sudden death even in high-performance athletes. You should consult a cardiologist or a sports doctor, who can refer you to other specialists if necessary.

The professional can complement the clinical examination with procedures such as electrocardiograms, exercise testing, cardiopulmonary testing and echocardiograms. Blood and urine tests may also be prescribed to assess possible hypertension, cholesterol and blood glucose levels. “Often, asymptomatic patients discover heart disease in routine exams. And the sooner we investigate the problem, the better the patient’s quality of life will be”, explains cardiologist Juliano Burckhardt, member of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (SBC).

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