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Exercise bike: training worksheet –

Why not take advantage of Quarantine (and the fact that all the gyms are closed) to start training in exercise bike forgotten in the corner of the room or else even rent or buy yours? She is an infallible weapon to work your cardiorespiratory system. “Cycling is a very efficient aerobic exercise for anyone who wants to improve their physical conditioning”, says professor Vinicius Dias, from the academy Bio Rhythm, in Sao Paulo. And more: you can still strengthen legs and buttocks, since the muscle work in this region is intense.

So, it’s high time to put the bike to work in your favor. Professor Vinicius put together an ideal program for those who are going to start pedaling, but already have a level of fitness reasonable. “In the first week, the exercise is easier for adaptation. From the second, you start to get heavy.”

The plan lasts a month and the variation in pace and load is what makes the sessions more intense. This is the big balcony interval training: you start pedaling slowly, then increase the pace, go downhill again, take a quick step… “This type of exercise promotes a greater caloric burning than continuous training because you can handle pedaling for longer”, guarantees the teacher.

If you want to continue following the program after a month, just increase the load, maintaining the regularity of four times a week and respecting the indicated heart rate. Good training!



Weight is one of the resources to intensify muscle work. The heavier the bike, the greater the stimulus in the leg and gluteal muscles. Loads vary greatly depending on the equipment, but are generally measured on a scale from 1 to 10. If your bike has another scale, you can use the perception of effort (below) or make a count: see what the maximum weight of the bike is, divide by three and find the three load ranges for training.

low charge: from 1 to 3. You hardly notice muscle work.

Intermediate load: from 4 to 6. You feel muscle work.

high load: from 7 to 10. Muscle work is very intense.


What will determine the pedaling rhythm is your heart rate. It is important to monitor it and keep it within the range indicated in training. To do this, the first step is to calculate your maximum heart rate (MHR), subtracting your age from 220. If you are 20 years old, MHR: 220 – 20 = 200. To pedal between 65% and 70% of your HR, do the calculation : if your FCM is 200, the count is 200 x 0.65 (130) and 200 x 0.7 (140).

That means you’ll have to keep your heart beating between 130 and 140 times a minute. If there is frequency meter, better (the cheapest models cost, on average, 150 reais). The device accurately measures your heart rate and alerts you when you leave the indicated range. If you don’t have one, use the perceived exertion table below, created by the Bio Ritmo gym for fitness classes. indoor cycling.

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65% of the FCM: Easy. It doesn’t change your breath, it doesn’t tire your legs, it’s a bike ride;
70% of the FCM: Moderate. Breathing still normal, legs begin to feel the resistance of the pedal, leaving the comfort zone;
75% of the FCM: Moderate high. Breathing almost panting, legs feel the resistance of the pedal, slightly uncomfortable;
80% of the FCM: Strong. Shortness of breath (but can bear it), legs slightly tired, uncomfortable;
85% of the FCM: Very strong. Breathing very panting, tired legs, feeling that you can’t hold out for long;
90% of the FCM: Strenuous. Extremely panting breathing, very tired legs, feeling of wanting to stop as soon as possible.


Small precautions make pedaling safer and more efficient:

Stretching. It’s important to stretch your muscles, especially your legs, before and after pedaling to avoid injury. You stretching initials also help to provide more performance of the musculature during the practice.
Tailored hydration. Have a bottle of water always at hand and drink little by little throughout the exercise. Dehydrated, your body loses performance and even muscle contraction is impaired.
Appropriate clothing. Wear shirts that allow perspiration. As you will be sitting for a long time, you can opt for padded shorts, with extra protection on your butt (available at sporting goods stores). Choose sneakers with more rigid soles, as this way you demand less from the foot arch musculature and avoid pain after exercise.
Distraction nearby. It’s worth turning on the TV in your favorite program or listen to a song very lively (dance, techno and rock are great rhythms for fast movements that require strength). That way, time flies by!
Keep the routine. Choose one time fixed for working out. With the equipment available 24 hours a day, it’s common to leave it to exercise whenever there’s a little time left. Then you run the risk of putting it off until later and later… And you end up never pedaling.
Pleasant environment. put the exercise bike in ventilated place. Otherwise you will feel heat fast and lose momentum. Adjust the height of the bench so that the knee of the leg on the lowest pedal is semi-bent. Keep your torso straight, look straight ahead and tilt your head slightly down.


This program lasts a month and gets more challenging each week. See how to do it:

1st week: Monday

Time: 45 min.

5 min between 65 and 70% of the FCM and low load; 5 min between 70 and 75% of the FCM and low load; 5 min at 80% of FCM and intermediate load + 1 min at slow pace and no load – repeat 5 times; 5 min slow pace and no load.

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1st week: Wednesday

Time: 45 min.

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5 min between 65 and 70% of the FCM and low load; 5 min between 70 and 75% of the FCM and low load; 4 min at 80% HR and intermediate load + 1 min at 85% HR and intermediate load + 1 min at slow pace and no load – repeat 5 times; 5 min slow pace and no load.

1st week: Friday

Time: 45 min.

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5 min between 65 and 70% of the FCM and low load; 10 min at 75% of the FCM and intermediate load; 5 min at 80% of the FCM and intermediate load; 10 min at 75% of the FCM and intermediate load; 10 min at 80% of the FCM and intermediate load; 5 min slow pace and no load.

1st week: Saturday

Time: 45 min.

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5 min between 65 and 70% HR and low load, 5 min between 70 and 75% HR and low load, 5 min at 80% HR and medium load + 1 min slow pace and no load – repeat 5 times, 5 min slow pace and no load.

2nd week: Monday

Time: 60 min.

5 min between 65 and 70% HR and low load, 5 min at 75% HR and low load, 4 min at 80% HR and intermediate load + 4 min at 85% HR and medium load + 1 min slow pace and no load – repeat 5 times, 5 min at a slow pace and no load.

2nd week: Wednesday

Time: 55 min.

5 min between 65 and 70% of the FCM and low load; 5 min at 75% FCM and low load; 4 min at 80% HR and intermediate load + 2 min at 85% HR and intermediate load + 2 min at 75% HR and intermediate load – repeat 5 times; 5 min slow pace and no load.

2nd week: Friday

Time: 60 min.

5 min between 65 and 70% of the FCM and low load; 10 min at 75% HR and intermediate load + 10 min at 80% HR and intermediate load + 5 min at 85% HR and intermediate load – repeat 2 times; 5 min slow pace and no load.

2nd week: Saturday

Time: 60 min.

5 min between 65 and 70% of the FCM and low load; 5 min at 75% FCM and low load; 4 min at 80% HR and intermediate load + 4 min at 85% HR and intermediate load + 1 min at slow pace and no load – repeat 5 times; 5 min slow pace and no load.

3rd week: Monday

Time: 50 min.

5 min between 65 and 70% of the FCM and low load; 5 min at 75% FCM and low load; 2 min at 80% HR and intermediate load + 1 min at 75% HR and intermediate load + 2 min at 85% HR and intermediate load – repeat 7 times; 5 min slow pace and no load.

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3rd week: wednesdayfrog

Time: 55 min.

5 min between 65 and 70% of the FCM and low load; 5 min at 75% FCM and low load; 3 min at 80% of HR and intermediate load + 2 min at 85% of HR and intermediate load – repeat 5 times; 5 min between 70 and 75% of the FCM and intermediate load; 5 min at 80% of the FCM and intermediate load; 5 min at 85% of the FCM and intermediate load; 5 min slow pace and no load.

3rd week: Friday

Time: 60 min.

5 min between 65 and 70% of the FCM and low load; 5 min at 75% of the FCM and intermediate load; 10 min at 80% HR and intermediate load + 5 min at 85% HR and intermediate load – repeat 3 times; 5 min slow pace and no load.

3rd week: Saturday

Time: 50 min.

5 min between 65 and 70% of the FCM and low load; 5 min at 75% of the FCM and intermediate load; 2 min at 80% HR and intermediate load + 1 min at 75% HR and intermediate load + 2 min at 85% HR and intermediate load – repeat 7 times;
5 min slow pace and no load.

4th week: Monday

Time: 60 min.

5 min between 65 and 70% of the FCM and low load; 5 min at 75% of the FCM and intermediate load; 5 min at 80% of the FCM and intermediate load; 5 min at 85% of FCM and intermediate or high load + 1 min at 90% and intermediate or high load + 2 min at slow pace and no load – repeat 5 times; 5 min slow pace and no load.

4th week: Wednesday

Time: 50 min.

5 min between 65 and 70% of the FCM and low load; 5 min at 75% of the FCM and intermediate load; 3 min at 80% of HR and intermediate load + 4 min at 85% of HR and intermediate or high load – repeat 5 times; 5 min slow pace and no load.

4th week: Friday

Time: 60 min.

5 min between 65 and 70% of the FCM and low load; 10 min at 75% of the FCM and intermediate load; 5 min at 80% of HR and intermediate load + 5 min at 85% of HR and intermediate or high load – repeat 4 times; 5 min slow pace and no load.

4th week: Saturday

Time: 60 min.

5 min between 65 and 70% of the FCM and low load; 5 min at 75% of the FCM and intermediate load; 5 min at 80% of the FCM and intermediate load; 5 min at 85% of FCM and intermediate or high load + 1 min at 90% and intermediate or high load + 2 min at slow pace and no load – repeat 5 times; 5 min slow pace and no load.

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