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Discordant energies generate physical discomfort |

Regardless of what you believe, it is a fact that certain environments, as soon as we enter them, make us feel a slight discomfort. More sensitive people can even get sick “out of the blue”, which makes everything very confusing, since, until a few minutes ago, they were feeling very well.

The main issue is that, because of the hustle and bustle of everyday life or even our worries, we tend not to pay much attention to these little signs. That is, a sudden headache or stomachache, a chill, dizziness, a drop or increase in blood pressure can only be analyzed from an organic point of view. So, trying to be very practical, we take some medicine and quickly anesthetize ourselves and forget about it, instead of reflecting on the origin of the malaise.

I know people that whenever they go to visit a certain company, for example, they leave with a headache. Some people can also trigger allergic attacks in us and other places can make us feel nauseous. If this happens to you, but you are distracted from the facts, you tend not to notice the pattern or associate one thing with the other. You might think that you didn’t eat right, that it was too much coffee or even a simple stress crisis that triggered your discomfort.

Of course, sometimes the reason for a physical ailment is actually derived from these factors. Therefore, in any case, the first step is to identify our bodily sensations, realizing when and under what conditions they occur. However, for this to work, we need to be more attentive to our own body, knowing how to listen and respect it.

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Positive and negative forces

We are made of energy and we inhabit a world full of forces (positive and negative) that we know exist, but that we cannot see, such as: electricity, radiation and electromagnetism, for example. And, as they normally behave in nature, some forces repel and others attract. That’s why when we’re with a person who vibrates at the same frequency as us, we feel good and the exact opposite also happens.

So, to know how to differentiate when the discomfort you feel is purely organic or a reaction to some energy that is out of tune with you, for example, pay attention. Generally, when it comes to an energy issue, just the simple fact of focusing our thoughts on it already makes it dissipate.

To make it clearer, imagine a moment when you feel a sudden weight on your shoulders. If you try to distract yourself with something else and ignore the sensation, believing it will go away on its own, you allow it to remain in you. On the other hand, if you pay attention to it, its meaning, being aware of your surroundings, it’s as if your energy automatically changes, helping you to be free of it. It’s just like that mosquito that was biting you unnoticed and that takes off as soon as you realize it’s there. Another tip is to meditate, relax, do something that entertains you.

This usually works, because when we feel bad our energy fades away, weakens, we begin to see things from a more negative perspective and, thus, we tune in and adjust ourselves more and more with that low frequency energy. That is, if we are not careful at the beginning, when the discomfort is still evident, we tend to adapt, no longer noticing the nuances. Thus, we can simply change our behavior and vibration, attracting other types of situations and people into our lives.

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Therefore, to avoid being infected to the point of transforming your life negatively, look for:

Keep your thoughts high on good things, avoiding complaining or judging too much. Pay attention to discomfort and where and when it happens. Check if there is a health pattern that repeats itself in your life. Realize if after mentalizing or relaxing you continue to feel bad, because then you will understand that the symptoms are physical. With time, you will have more ability to differentiate the subtlety between what is an energetic wear and tear and an organic one. Identify the places that make you feel bad, creating routines to protect yourself before going to them, either by mentalizing or by being more attentive. If you can, simply avoid going to the place. Note if the discomfort occurs in a place where you can make some changes to feel better. If so, introduce plants and observe how they develop. It won’t be a coincidence if they wither quickly. Understand the reasons that lead you to put yourself in a certain situation. After all, if you’re feeling bad all the time, it’s because you’re insisting on something that’s possibly not the best for you.

A practical mindset

One way to get rid of negative energies and also protect yourself from them is to simply visualize a violet spiral rising rapidly from your feet in a counterclockwise direction. After doing this a few times, you can imagine a cascade of golden light falling over your head, which will fill you with good energy. Finally, imagine the same violet colored spiral, now rotating clockwise to protect you.

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