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Understand how Hooponopono works and learn how to use it |

In the audio below, specialist Regina Restelli explains how Ho’oponopono works and has the power to improve relationships and material difficulties; health problems such as depression; just like any other challenge in life. Check out!

People often ask me why Ho’oponopono works. And the answer is: because it activates, in those who practice it, four very important values ​​of wisdom. Are they:

The first value is honesty. Being honest with yourself, with life, and then life will be honest with you, making everything easier and lighter.The second value is responsibility. We must be responsible for everything we think, how we act and what we do. Who makes our life is ourselves, no one else.The third value is kindness. The law of the universe says that you attract everything that vibrates, so kindness attracts kindness. It is necessary to be kind to yourself, in the first place, and to everything around you, which will certainly generate kindness for you.The fourth value is gratitudewhich is the master key of joy, love and fullness.

These four values ​​intertwine and, when we cultivate them, they bring us a more peaceful life, causeless joy and lightness.

In what situations can Ho’oponopono be used?

It can be used absolutely in any life situation. To improve relationships; health problems such as depression; ease the discomfort brought on by newspaper news and even material issues.

The four phrases of Ho’oponopono “I’m sorry. Forgive me. I love you. I am grateful” generate in us gratitude, kindness, lovingness, self-responsibility and honesty – which are important keys for you to vibrate positively. And if you are vibrating positively, you will consequently attract that positive energy into your life.

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The values ​​are activated by each of the Ho’oponopono phrases:

I am really sorry – Honesty.Forgive me – Responsibility.I love you – Kindness.Thanks – Gratitude.

Really try saying these phrases – either out loud or in thought – in all uncomfortable situations in your life, for 21 days straight. Practice honestly and responsibly, generating kindness and gratitude.

Even if at first it might not make much sense. I assure you that, little by little, you will. And everything will start to change, be it in you, in what is around you, in your relationships and in your inner disposition to live life. You will see how Ho’oponopono works. Good habits!

If you want to know even more about Ho’oponopono, check out this special article.

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