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Is there a ruling planet of 2019? Clarify this doubt |

In Astrology, much is said about each year being ruled by a certain planet. I believe it is of fundamental importance, first of all, to question the system that measures the years. We know that we don’t work with just one calendar, which in itself would lead to a contradiction in the question of a “ruler of the year”: which year? When does it start? Who is “right”?, given that we have people who use a different year count than others.

Interestingly, a system that is only published annually in Brazil is the system of regency of the Chaldeans, through the design of a star with seven points, in which we find a star in each one of them.

It was probably a widely circulated almanac (Almanac do Pensamento) that popularized it, and thus it has been disseminated in various other communication vehicles to this day.

Clockwise, we would find the sequence of stars that will rule each year, for example, 2017 would have been ruled by Saturn (at the bottom left), 2018 by Jupiter (the first one above Saturn, on the left) and, therefore, 2019 would have the rulership of Mars (above Jupiter, clockwise).

This sequence is repeated for 36 years, the longest cycle according to the Chaldeans, and each 36-year cycle would also have a ruler. The 36-year count is due to the number of decans of each sign (three decans), times the number of signs (twelve). In 2017, we entered a great cycle of Saturn (ruler of the 36 years) and the annual rulership since then is from Saturn in the seven-pointed star.

If we are talking about the astrological year, it is worth remembering that it begins at the Aries equinox (autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, spring in the Northern Hemisphere) and it would be from the entry of the Sun into Aries that such a star would govern.

However, after the Chaldeans, other peoples observed other ways of perceiving a tone under which a period will be submitted.

The symbolic regency of a star for the year has proven to be a fallacy, since a search, a quick retrospective on the internet is enough to see the ineffectiveness of this method, comparing the regent with what happened in the year.

Instead of talking about “regency” (a term that indicates that someone would be in charge), we can think of an indicator of a climate, one or even more stars that can point to trends to be experienced during a certain period. Astrology assists us in identifying this ruler(s) on both a collective and personal level.

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Collective astrological transits for 2019

Collectively, we started by observing the positions and motions of the slow moving planets. These are the real phase markers, which are not necessarily limited to “one year”, as each one of them follows its own cycle.

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, with its tendency towards revelations, conflicts and deep transformations in matters related to power and government (symbolized by Capricorn).

Saturn, since the end of 2017, has also entered Capricorn, a sign that he himself rules, giving indications linked to the need for structure, order, organization and limits. Saturn always points to lessons to be learned and spends approximately two and a half years in each sign.

Uranus, which stays around seven years in each sign, made its first entry into the sign of Taurus, between April and May 2018, returned to Aries due to its retrograde movement and in March 2019 enters Taurus for good, where it remains until 2026, dealing with issues related to the economy, currencies, subsistence, supply, material security and agriculture, among other bullish themes.

As can be seen, many stars travel through signs of the Earth element, whose quality is material, practical, real, thus indicating a period both of changes in the order of things, of what is established and considered safe, and of new economic and economic directions. systems of government and power.

The element of Earth is constancy and conservatism, but these must be legitimate. Any form of power that does not support itself with solid and true foundations, but only with authoritarianism and rigidity, may experience crises that bring learning to the collective.

Jupiter in November 2018 also entered the sign of its rulership, Sagittarius. It encourages optimism, expansion and growth, as well as prosperity, which provides an atmosphere of euphoria and a “fresh start” for everyone. In this passage through Sagittarius, we will be tested by limits and by reality, since another star, Neptune, symbol of imagination, illusions and strong ideals, makes a tense aspect to Jupiter.

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These stars can make us reflect on the incessant search we have for idols or the need to follow a leader, a guru. Unfortunately, this contact between Jupiter and Neptune indicates the confrontation with the “saints with feet of clay”, that is, we can go through disappointments while we idolize and do not recognize in ourselves our faults regarding limits and ethics.

Jupiter spends approximately one year in each sign and, therefore, at the end of 2019 goes towards Capricorn, joining Pluto and Saturn, indicating a universal climax, a very important turning point for the world, through crises and overcoming difficulties . This cycle of planetary encounters has been studied for some time and they always mark stages of decadence and human overcoming. Our structures are tested in order to improve for the collective.

Other ways to analyze astrological trends

Other methods, besides the simple observation of the position of the slow planets, serve as instruments for the analysis of trends. Also very effective are the maps of the entry of the Sun into Aries for each country (the maps of the solstices – Sun in Cancer and Capricorn – and the one of the equinox of Libra can also be observed).

The map drawn up for each country will give information for the period of each season and certain positions on the map are highlighted. Astros in angular houses (denoting impacts with the characteristics of that astro), exact or almost exact contacts between planets and their locations in the houses will show how the period will be for that country.

Each major cycle, or each “key” chart, can and should be accompanied by smaller cycles, such as the New Moon and Full Moon cycles, or by the movements of Mars, which usually activate the aspects of the slower stars. They work as marker pointers for peaks or outbreaks of events.

Is there a ruling planet for each person?

And what about the staff, is there a conductor for each of us? We can say yes. We can say that through our maps we identify periods more connected to a planetary energy, as an agenda to be fulfilled.

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Each chart will have a peculiarity, but we can observe that when a star makes aspects to our natal Sun (vitality, will, personal shine), to our Ascendant (our role in life and initiatives) and other points of the chart, such as the Middle Heaven (goals and career), the Descendant (relationships and agreements) and the Bottom of Heaven (bases and family), we become “contaminated” by those qualities.

There are also systems that emphasize the Ascendant ruler of our solar return (Sun annual return chart or “anniversary chart”) as the ruler of our personal year.

Other astrologers find answers through Profections, which is a symbolic system of progression of the Ascendant one sign per year. Thus, at one year of age we would have the qualities of the sign following the Ascendant and so on, returning to it at 12, 24, 36 years old, etc. The ruler of the sign where Profection falls can also be seen as the ruler of our personal year. His conditions in both the natal chart and the solar revolution for that age would point to the qualities, events or challenges of our year.

I do not believe that Mars is the protagonist of 2019. I even understand that in 2018, through its retrogradation and further emphasized by eclipses, we are experiencing a very troubled and fierce period, with disputes and setbacks.

There are several methods and they cover both World Astrology, which studies events for the community, as well as more individualized Astrology, making it possible to analyze the period of life of each one.

2019: organization to go further

2019 is a year for us to organize our flights, or simply leave the flight for another opportunity. Jupiter in Sagittarius provides the urge for growth and development. Saturn in Capricorn wants your feet firmly planted on the ground and that, yes, you take off as long as everything is well structured, safe and under control.

The heavens point to important transitions and understanding what the sky proposes helps us to take better advantage of things. In this way, each of us will be the ruler of our own lives.

Photograph: Big Stock Photo

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