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All about the sign of Taurus |

The sign of Taurus, in the first place, is closely connected with the fullness and endurance of the life force. Its most striking feature is stability, according to astrologer Alexey Dodsworth, caused by the combination of the Earth element with the fixed rhythm.

The instinct for conservation and sensuality are totally linked to the personality of the Taurus sign. In addition, the sign has a huge vocation for the pleasures of life.

One of the myths that revolve around the sign is laziness. According to astrologer Marcia Fervienza, being a fixed Earth sign, Taurus tends to accumulate energy to consolidate. According to Marcia, the function of Taurus in the zodiacal mandala “is to maintain, nourish and consolidate”. That is, it is not laziness, no!

This article is like an introduction to the sign of Taurus so that you can, above all, know all the subjects that surround this part of Astrology. Therefore, you will learn about the meanings, the start and end date of the sign, about the Taurus stones, the symbol, personality and love.

What is the date of Taurus?

In 2023, the Sun in Taurus begins on April 20 at 5:13 am. Every year, the day the sign starts and ends changes. Therefore, if you were born on the first or last day of a sign, you need to check exactly the time when the Sun left one sign and entered another. So you can see it on your Astrology chart.

What does the Taurus symbol mean?

The bull itself, an animal with a strong and powerful structure, is a symbol of the sign.

The animal is determined and possessive, characteristics that, likewise, translate a lot to the second sign of the zodiac. Astrologer Marcia Fervienza explains here the meaning of the symbols of the signs.

Taurus zodiac stone

Possessiveness, materialism, as well as good taste, are among the characteristics of the Taurus sign, analyzed by therapist Simone Kobayashi. In this way, she indicates the following Taurus stones:

A Agate it is a stone that can be used to help with expansion. As well as in situations where you seek to step out of the comfort zone. A Selenite Orange clears resistance as much as it helps to develop flexibility.

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You can learn about the birthstones here and also read the tips for your Ascendant and Moon.

Taurus Zodiac Characteristics

The following characteristics are part of the Taurus profile:

The combination of Earth and Venus could be the answer to the claim that the sign of Taurus is the most stable of the zodiac, as astrologer Alexey Dodsworth explains. Taurus teaches us to appreciate what we have.

Security is a strong word in the life of Taurus. Just as it also has a strong issue with predictability. In addition, comfort is another concept highlighted by this sign. And that includes love, work, finances, as well as other areas of life.

The sign has a great appreciation for the sensory side of life, marked sensuality and a powerful relationship with the carnal aspects of existence itself, according to Alexey. Therefore, good food, good sleep and good sex are fundamental conditions for Taurus happiness.

In Health, Taurus needs to take care of the taste for sugar and high-calorie foods, especially he needs to be careful not to discount emotional issues in food, explains astrologer Vanessa Tuleski.

Taurus Personality

Taurus is a sign well recognized for stability. Just as they are also strong:

Love in all forms of relationships Beauty as much as the aesthetic sense Comfort as much as money Inner peace, health, as well as the balance of emotions Its fundamental need is the principle of pleasure.

Gratitude is a typical expression of the Taurus vocabulary. Therefore, giving thanks is never a random and gratuitous act in the personality of the Taurus sign.

Economics, moreover, makes practical and profound sense for Taurus. In other words, this sign knows the real value of everything that interests it, so it can be an arch enemy of waste.

Patience, caution, negotiation, and a tireless dedication to creating stability are all important parts of the Taurus personality. In other words, adventurous and inconsequential style is not part of the list of its characteristics.

Taurus is a sign that represents materialization, the five senses and their pleasures, and grounding. “It is with this sign that we learn the importance of persistence. Taurus highlights the strength we keep in us”, according to astrologer Naiara Tomayno.

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The Taurus sign needs affection. In other words, touches and caresses conquer the sign. People of this sign experience love in all forms. Therefore, they put a great deal of love into everything they do. Or else, they don’t.

Taurus love is sensual. Often, the sign demands constant exchanges. And all this in the most concrete way possible, after all, this is the sign that needs security.

You can even see if Taurus is a match for a specific sign. However, this seems rather superficial. Therefore, you can start by trying the combination of signs by elements (as in this article here) and go a step further to understand love for Taurus.

In astrology, there is the Loving Synastry, an analysis of two Maps to see how well they match. In addition, it also brings what challenges, what opportunities and how each person expresses feelings.

Therefore, there is no way to say which sign matches Taurus because each person has an entire Map, complex and unique to them. So this Chart is different from all other people who have the Sun in the same sign.

Ascendant in Taurus

Having a Taurus Ascendant can mean that you prefer to take life on the safe side. Also, that you have the ability to face problems in a very practical way.

Finally, people with Taurus rising also tend to:

Appreciate good things, be it food, clothes or places. Worship all that is familiar and enduring. Not handling change so well. Pay attention to moments of stubbornness. He spends money on his own comfort, but he doesn’t like waste.

The characteristics you have in the Rising sign are, in general, the first impression you give to people. That is, it is your social mask.

Finally, having a Taurus Ascendant means that this sign was rising on the horizon at the time you were born. Deepen your knowledge of the Taurus Ascendant right here.

And, moreover, if you are a Taurus and have an Ascendant in another sign, find out what it means:

Planets in Taurus

Planets in Taurus bring psychological meanings linked to the sign to the personality. Therefore, it is worth understanding a little more about what it is like to have Planets in Taurus in the Chart and what this can indicate:

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Everyone has Taurus in their birth chart

Taurus is present in everyone’s life. All you have to do is look at the mandala of your Astral Map (as in the image on the side) and look for the symbol of the Taurus sign.

See that in the example, Taurus appears to be between the 7th and 8th houses. What matters here is the house that starts from this sign. In this case, it is the 8th house that starts from Taurus.

In this case, Taurus is said to be on the cusp of the 8th house. With this information, you will be able to understand more deeply your relationship with the personality and the presence of the Sign of Taurus in your life. That’s because the meanings of the astrological houses represent different parts of each person’s life.

To find out where you have each of the signs in your birth chart, see these guides:

Much more about Taurus

Now that you’ve done this introductory immersion on Taurus, you can see tips to make the most of the sign in your life.

Florals of each sign: honeysuckle is the indication for Taurus. This is because it works on issues related to attachment and resistance to change. In Bach Floral it is called Honeysuckle. Essential oils for each sign: one of the oils recommended by therapist Solange Lima for Taurus is Geranium. First, it is because it helps to give courage to change. Therefore, in terms of food, it supports the implementation of new and healthier habits. The dark side of Taurus is linked to the possibility of possessiveness and passionate actions when you want something or someone, according to astrologer Ana Andreiolo. Meditation for Taurus: therapist Raquel Ribeiro recorded a special meditation for Taurus people, which can be done for 21 days so that you can activate your personal power.

Know more about Taurus by understanding:

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