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Children’s party: 5 tips for perfect shots

Photographing your children’s birthday party can be quite a challenge. The result is often less than expected and, once the event is over, there is no way to repeat the moment.

To help you prepare and avoid future regrets, we talked to photographer Odeval Menezes, from De Menezes Fotografia to list tips for a good record of the little party.

pay attention to details

It is common to concentrate a large part of the time photographing the cake table and the grand decoration scenarios. The beauty, however, is in capturing the care the family took in preparing every detail. “Registering the details is of great importance, as the birthday boy and parents were concerned with details. When the photo registers this care and affection, it always generates a great impact”, explains Odeval.

Start shooting before the party

The photo coverage starts well before the guests arrive. “It is very important for the photographer to arrive before the party starts, not only to record the decorations, but mainly to record the arrival of the birthday person and their reactions. At children’s parties, the best photos of the birthday person are taken before the party starts, as the child has not yet been distracted and is willing to “tolerate” the presence of the photographer”, explains the photographer.

let the child free

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Parents usually like posed photos to have a more formal record of the birthday. These clicks are important, but they cannot be the only ones for the event. After all, posed photos lose the beauty of spontaneity, so characteristic of childhood. “After this moment of the first photos, keep your distance from the child, using a telephoto lens, so that he has fun and you get the best expressions and smiles”, she suggests.

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Get ready for the moment of congratulations

“Usually this is the most tense moment of the party. It is important to carry out a light measurement beforehand, and pay close attention to details, such as popping and other family games, so that your photo is as beautiful as possible”, she pointed out.

Look fondly at the guests

Be careful to capture the impression guests are having of the party in the images. Record the relaxed conversations, the jokes and the smiles. These spontaneous clicks add affection to party memories.

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