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Make mandalas to harmonize your life

Mandalas can be made with colors that activate the sectors of life
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In Chinese culture, mandalas have been used for millennia to attract luck and abundance. In addition to beautifying the house, the mandala circulates energy, thanks to its round shape. “Where there is a mandala, there is no stagnation”, says the Feng Shui consultant Elisabete Abreu, from Campinas (SP).

Mandalas can be made with colors that activate the nine sectors of life: work, spirituality and knowledge, family, prosperity, success, relationships, creativity, friends and health.

Each sector is governed by an element of nature (water, earth, fire or air) and a predominant color. For example: light blue exudes relaxation. If the goal is to give movement to the environment, use yellow, which makes people more active. Sky blue, lilac and light green stimulate spirituality. Pink and red, love. Orange, prosperity.

It’s worth the intention!

Mandalas are made from various materials. You can paint them on a sheet of paper, using colored pencils, on canvas or panel with acrylic or oil paint and even apply them with stones. Important is the intention deposited in the work. The right colors are the ones that are pleasing to your eyes. “Leave strong tones only in details. The round shape, the colors and your intention will vibrate in the environment. With that, you will have a powerful talisman to get what you want”, guides Elisabete.

make your mandala

To create mandalas, first relax. Then draw a circle and always start from the center to the edge. Use the color your soul asks for. “If it gets difficult, start making other circles, one inside the other”, says Elisabete. Use a compass to make the job easier. “Then place whatever shapes you want in the intervals of the circles. These can be leaves, flowers with single petals, stars or wavy shapes. Use whatever shapes your intuition prompts.” Finally, paint and frame.

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