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Different ideas for using cotton candy at a children’s party

Beautiful, tasty and with a childhood flavor, the Cotton Candy It’s almost unanimity among the children. And it’s still very successful among adults! That’s why this candy hasn’t lost its place at children’s parties for decades.

The way of serving it, however, has changed a lot, as parents seek to surprise their guests by escaping from the traditional presentation of the delicacy.

Those who want to use it to color the cake table can serve it in large transparent glass jars, which show the infinite colors of the candy.

Packaged like small pieces of cloud, cotton candy is even more charming if served in jars or ice cream cones. Another creative alternative is to offer cotton candy to guests in individual packages, arranged in carts, islands or even trees in the middle of the room. The effect on the look of the environment is enchanting!

How about replacing candy toppers with cotton candy balls stuck on a stick? The detail is graceful, but requires care when handling, as the heat of the hand melts the sugar. The secret is to prepare it in the last minutes before the party, so it won’t look sticky.

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