Home » Guidance » 16 Fun times when appearances were deceiving and people were disappointed

16 Fun times when appearances were deceiving and people were disappointed

You may have heard the expression “not everything is as it seems”. This is a seemingly simple phrase, but it applies to many scenarios in our lives, such as when we see promotional posters, internet advertisements and social media ads that promise wonderful things that are actually quite different. The same idea applies when we try to imitate something we love, say a recipe, and the end result has absolutely nothing to do with the model.

O awesome.club made a list of the most fun and unexpected situations of some users on the internet. Get ready for a good laugh and be careful that none of this happens to you.

1. “Well, at least I tried”

2. “I expected another filling”

3. Ready-to-assemble ice cream sandwiches

4. “Facebook ads never disappoint”

5. “Tried to make Baby Yoda Cookies this past Christmas”

6. “Oh yes, white chocolate…”

7. “They’re tasty, but I think they’ve melted”

8. “My cupcakes🇧🇷

9. “Subway Mushroom Toast”

10. “I expected half a pepperoni…”

11. “Is this what they call ‘meatloaf’?”

12. “At least they could have put the cherry in the right place”

13. “SpongeBob Popsicle”

14. “Arby’s has no meat”

15. “Croissant filled… with disappointment”

16. “Well, at least they tried”

Have you ever had the experience of buying one thing and receiving a completely different product? Tell your story in the comments.

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