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The 7 best herbs to protect against negative energies

Have you noticed the many benefits that contact with nature provides us? In addition to being part of the composition of medicines, decoration items, clothing and food, they also provide cures for physical ailments and mental balance. Among the most popular alternatives, the protection herbs are the ones that find greater acceptance and benefits.

Surely you already have or had one at home. After all, they are easily found in supermarkets, florists and exotic stores. Its qualities range from breaking mandigas to attracting prosperity and purification.

One more positive point to take into account is that all seven plants can be grown in the same pot, one strengthening the power of the other. And, although there are specific places and handling for each one, they can be placed in environments that feel the most need for their presence.

Discover the powerful protective herbs

1. Rosemary

It brings more cheer and energy to those around. In addition, it stimulates mental activities, studies and work. If combined with rue, it’s a hit and miss against the evil eye and gossip. Tip: use the herb to season meats, but in moderation, as it has an intense flavor.

2. Rue

It is one of the most energetic protective herbs to fight envy and the evil eye. When left in an environment, in addition to protecting, it conveys happiness and enthusiasm. Tip: put the rue in a bag and carry it close to your chest.

3. With me-no-one-can

This plant removes negative energies that are in the environment. Along with the sword-of-Saint-Jorge, it’s good to break against any evil eye and mandinga. Tip: plant a seedling in a pot and leave it at the entrance of your home.

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4. Sword of Saint George

Its pointed leaves, as if they were swords, are associated with the power to cut envy, evil eye and even evil spirits. It is also very good for attracting courage. Tip: plant a seedling in a pot and leave it on the edge of a window.

5. Peppermint

This is a hit and miss in the fight against negativism and the evil eye. It also draws good energies in love. Tip: leave a vase inside your house, in a place that feels greater vibrational weight.

6. Guinea

It is so powerful that it is able to create a protective energy field that prevents negative energies from entering. It also attracts luck and happiness. And, when placed at the front door of the house, along with the rue, it brings safety against zicas. Tip: plant a seedling in a pot and leave it in front of your home.

7. Basil

It sends pessimism and low spirits far away from your home. In addition, it calms tensions and brings tranquility and balance to the room it is located. Tip: use as a seasoning in meats and pasta.

Be careful

Rue, me-no-one-can, sword-of-Saint-George and guinea are plants that should not be ingested, as they are toxic. Therefore, wash your hands well after contacting them. Preferably handle with a plastic glove.

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