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Learn prayers to bless food and meals

It is an old tradition in the home of Christian families to have the Holy Supper in the dining room. Blessing food is a way of asking and giving thanks for plenty, abundance and good health. That is, giving thanks for a day of life, work, love and for the meal is the way to connect with God to say: “thank you for being alive and for all the good I have”. Next, learn prayers to bless meals.

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Prayer for the blessing of food

Lord, bless the precious food you put on our table, may it never fail us. But above all, let us not lack your body, which is most holy, and your blood, which is most precious – the food and drink that lead us to eternal life. And reserve, Lord, a place in your kingdom for those who die of hunger and thirst throughout the world. And, before death, feed them with your spirit so that they have a chance of salvation. Amen.

Prayer before meals

Deign, Lord, to bless the food that I am going to eat, in order to better serve and love you. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer after meals

I thank you, Lord, for the food I have just taken, and allow me to gain strength with it to serve you faithfully until death.In the name of. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

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