Did you know that it only takes us 13 milliseconds to consider whether a certain person seems attractive to us or not? Well, we have an extremely short time to make a pleasant first impression. However, with the help of various psychological tricks and efficient flirting, it is quite possible to increase your chances of success. Want to know how?
O awesome.club have the answer. If you don’t exactly consider yourself a master of seduction and you find the task of meeting new people difficult, the eight rules that you will see below will be useful for awakening all your charisma.
8. “The rule of three”: three looks for three seconds
A look is a key factor in flirting. It all starts with him, and his importance persists over time. According to scientific research, there are several facets that differentiate a casual look from that of someone who is interested in getting to know you. First of all, when we are interested in someone, we look at them several times. On average, three eye contacts are enough to send the desired signal and draw attention. Second, there is the issue of duration: it is already known that a look full of interest lasts about three seconds on average, while a disinterested look lasts only a second.
7. Men: chin up. Women: chin down
It’s a matter of perspective, of how we look at each other. Humans go through a process of height-based sexual dimorphism. Men are used to looking at women from the top down (after all, on average, men are taller), which is why they find big eyes, small chin, and triangular face attractive. Women, on the other hand, most of the time, look at the man from the bottom up, considering that a square jaw is something beautiful.
Experts carried out a study based on the description above and made inverse manipulations on photos. As expected, research participants, when analyzing the images, said that they did not consider the people shown in the images as attractive: the men seemed less masculine, and the women, less feminine. You can remember this when communicating with someone of the opposite sex that you are interested in. Men tend to lift their heads to appear larger and more self-assured. Women, on the other hand, tend to tilt their heads down, giving the impression of sweetness.
6. The rule of touch
Some people who consider themselves seductive say that you need to touch the desired person as often as possible to establish contact. But that doesn’t make much sense. In fact, for these touches to be timely and pleasant for the other person, you need to establish contact in advance. After you’ve done that, and considering that you’ve gotten a little closer, try to lightly touch your hand or shoulder. Then comes an important point: determining whether the attitude was well received.
If all is well, you can continue to give light taps to shorten the distance even further. And the more intimate the communication, the more bass you can play. On the feet or knees, for example. But if your gesture is not well received, stop the attempts immediately, indefinitely. Don’t think that the person’s rejection means they are “making candy”. The more insistent you are, the further you will be from the goal.
5. Business card as a way to meet someone
This initiative is especially suitable for bold women, but it works perfectly. At the very least, it helps, without wasting time, to push away the person who is not interested in you. If you’re interested in someone but feel shy about starting a conversation, try handing them your card outright. That way, you’ll make your interest clear and make room for the other to take the next step: if he or she liked you, he or she will certainly get in touch. If the other person is in doubt, they will also call or send a message, even if only to arrange a new meeting. And if you don’t like it, at least everything will be clear without the need to make lame excuses.
4. Phrases ambiguity
It is difficult to give an example that is neither vulgar nor clichéd. After all, communication and interpersonal relationships are very individual things. Therefore, something that is considered a joke by one person may be seen as offensive by another. You must know very well what we are talking about. When someone is flirting, they use ambiguous phrases without even realizing it, adding spice to the conversation. It is also important not to say everything. Yes, at a certain stage of the relationship, sincerity and openness play a huge role. But while you and the other person are still in the flirting phase, it’s best not to say anything that comes to mind and leave room for reflection and fantasies.
3. Know the weaknesses
It is the ability to laugh at oneself when, by highlighting one’s own weakness, one praises the interlocutor. Suppose you don’t speak a foreign language, while the other person is fluent in it. Instead of offering compliments right off the bat, as this can seem a bit forced, try transferring the situation to yourself by saying something like, “That’s great! This language is so beautiful and complex. I never managed to learn it, and you do it very well!”
2. No one, not even you, likes criticism
Whatever the person said, and whether or not you agree with it, there is no need to judge. But you also don’t have to agree with everything. The difference between points of view can always be explained without showing an overbearing attitude. Instead of saying, “You’re wrong” or “That’s stupid,” you can dodge it and say, “How curious! I never thought from that point of view. Help me understand why you think so.”
In other words, the recipe is simple: instead of condemning, show interest. Another advantage, according to research, is that people like to talk about themselves. This provides more pleasure than eating well or having money. And by showing interest with questions, you give the other person a chance to talk more about themselves.
1. Manifestation of social domination
This point is only applicable to men. There is a statistic according to which men who are successful with women, in general, have a set of non-verbal and very specific gestures. They look directly at people, without shyness. In addition, they feel free to move around the environment (in clubs or bars, for example), try to occupy as much space as possible (separate their knees, rest their arms on the backs of sofas or on nearby chairs, etc.). Guys like that also have a knack for communicating with other men, exchanging light shoves, slaps on the shoulder or back, putting their hands on their necks, etc.
When evaluating the behavioral characteristics mentioned above, experts divided them into two main groups: an overt manifestation of positive intentions (looks and behavior towards other men) and status (occupied space), which are usually the main criteria that make women find a man attractive or not. So take this into consideration when communicating with a potential partner or partner. If you’re a man, try not to get nervous, because ideally you behave as relaxed as possible, giving the impression that you’re in control of the situation and that whoever is next to you doesn’t have to worry about anything.
As you may have noticed, these methods are easy to put into practice, and you can be sure of their effectiveness if you decide to use them. These techniques are even capable of helping in communication not only with the aim of starting a love relationship, but also in any other case where you need to positively impress the interlocutor.
Have you applied any of them successfully? Do you know any other tricks that lead to the same goal? Comment!
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