Chinese proverbs about life are highly regarded for two reasons. On the one hand, They are a huge source of wisdom, since all affirmations transmit deep truths to us. On the other hand, they have a poetic tone that makes them unmistakable and decidedly beautiful.
A large number of Chinese proverbs about life have been preserved. The aphorism, or the affirmation loose, has been a traditional way of transmitting truths from one generation to another. Several of the proverbs could easily be thousands of years old.
“Whoever was bitten by a snake one day has been afraid of a coiled rope for more than ten years.”.
-Chinese proverb-
One of the most notable aspects of Chinese proverbs about life is the fact that they are almost always expressed in the form of metaphor.. They are not direct commands or advice, but suggestions or suggestions, which have a wide meaning and diverse application. These are seven of those wonderful pieces of wisdom.
Chinese proverbs about life and time
One of the old Chinese proverbs about life says the following: “The generation The previous one plants trees and the later one takes shelter in their shade”. It is a beautiful way to illustrate that thread of connection that exists between different generations. No one advances in life if it is not for the action and effort of those who precede them. Everything we do, or fail to do, has consequences for those who come after us in time.
Another Chinese proverb about life states: “The These do not come in pairs; a disgrace does not arrive alone”. It speaks to the fact that problems usually come one after another. Meanwhile, strokes of fortune rarely come together or occur simultaneously. Chaos theory proposes something analogous.
The small and the fragility
This beautiful proverb states: “The sparrow, despite its smallness, has all the viscera”. A beautiful metaphor that exalts the small. It means that any being, despite its size, has everything necessary to live and function. Being larger in size than others does not make anyone more complete.
In the same way, the Chinese do not see strength in the giant or in that which shows signs of toughness. Rather, they give relevance to what is well-rooted and has deep roots. That is why one of the Chinese proverbs about life says: “With strong wind the resistance of the grass is known”. Eventually a blade of grass can be stronger than a gigantic tree.
Courage and bravery
Bravery is deeply valued in Chinese culture.. The history of that country includes episodes of extraordinary deeds and resistance. That is why the theme of courage has been a recurring element in all its literary traditions, including proverbs.
In this proverb a decided exaltation of courage is elaborated. He says: “If one does not enter the tiger’s den, how can he get hold of its cubs?”. It means that there are times when danger must be faced directly, to avoid possible dangers in the future. A beautiful teaching.
The path of ruin
Life has its own mechanisms to agree with those who are truly right and compensate for the damage. of which some people are sometimes victims. Time is a great teacher, because through the combination formed by actions and time, those contradictions adjust.
One of the old Chinese proverbs says: “Who commits many injustices, seeks his own ruin”. It is totally true and throughout history we have seen how it is applied to reality. He who commits an injustice today, sooner or later, ends up being a victim of what he himself created.
Proximity and distance
Although blood ties are very strong, they are not necessarily above other forms of relationships. that sometimes end up having greater relevance. Sometimes the family is not exactly the environment that most supports or values a person, even though on paper it should be that way.
The Chinese have said: “A close neighbor is better than a distant relative”. It means that those who remain close to us acquire greater importance in our lives than those who have only a formal connection with us. In reality, the concept of family goes beyond a simple blood bond.
Chinese proverbs about life are condensed wisdom, poetry and accompaniment. The popular culture of that country is an inexhaustible vein of teachings. Not for nothing is it one of the ancient cultures that continues to survive with unusual strength in the world.
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