The accumulation of fat in the abdominal region is something very undesirable, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for a greater concern with health. Therefore, it is very important that the person takes care of himself in this sense, avoiding foods and habits that will only add negative results to his life.
There are many factors associated with abdominal fat gain, such as genetics, hormonal changes, sleep, sedentary lifestyle, lifestyle, posture and, of course, food. Daniela Mendes Tobaja, nutritionist, postgraduate in Exercise Physiology from Unifesp and postgraduate student in Functional Clinical Nutrition from UNICSUL-VP, highlights that it is important to understand that aesthetics is the result of a healthy body, so, in addition to avoiding foods that contribute to fat gain, it is necessary to have healthy habits that will minimize their negative effects.
Below, the professional cites some foods and drinks (and, consequently, habits) that contribute to an increase in the belly, that is, a greater accumulation of fat in the abdominal region:
1. Alcoholic beverage
“In addition to its intoxicating effect, which can unbalance the hormonal part and blood glucose, alcohol is also catabolic, resulting in loss of muscle mass and, consequently, a drop in metabolism and fat gain”, explains the nutritionist.
Also according to the professional, alcohol also harms intestinal health, which is the starting point for balance and health. This way you have great reasons to avoid it!
2. Soda
“Because it contains many preservatives, dyes and/or sweeteners, soda has an intoxicating effect and changes the intestinal microbiota, which again can unbalance hormones, in addition to the large amount of sugar, which will be stored in the form of fat”, says Daniela Tobaja.
“The acidic pH of these products also unbalances the entire gastrointestinal tract, in addition to increasing calcium excretion, which is important for the regulation of the hormone insulin, associated with the transport of sugar”, adds the nutritionist.
So, avoid sodas! Replace them with natural juices or water.
3. Sweets
Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are raw materials for energy production, “however, when we consume more than we need, we store the excess in the form of fat. Sugars, in general, are closely associated with increased hunger and anxiety, favoring an increasing intake of food”, explains nutritionist Daniela.
4. Fries
It is no secret to anyone that the habit of eating fried foods is harmful to health. “In addition to being very caloric, ‘bad’ fats are very pathogenic to intestinal health, unbalance permeability, favoring increased inflammation, in addition to greater production of toxins by the intestine. And whenever we change gut microbiota, we can unbalance many hormones, such as serotonin (pleasure hormone), which is also produced in the gut and plays an important role in appetite and anxiety “, highlights the nutritionist.
5. Milk and dairy products
“Very poorly digested by most people, milk and its derivatives can, in addition to increasing gas production, generating abdominal bloating, unfavor the intestinal microbiota and, by permeability, increase inflammation. Inflammation is closely associated with fat gain, in addition to other imbalances and pathologies”, explains Daniela.
6. Processed foods
“Rich in preservatives (alteration of the microbiota and intoxicant), salt (inflammation and fluid retention), sugar (increase in blood glucose and fat storage), they are usually poor in nutrients that are the real activators of metabolism”, highlights the nutritionist.
7. Refined carbohydrates (breads, rice, cookies)
Refined foods have the same effect as sugars, generally they are low in vitamins and minerals. “Every time you give a lot of fuel, the less your fat store will be used”, explains the nutritionist.
Habits you should adopt
Daniela Tobaja highlights that, both to lose fat and to avoid gaining it, the basic rules are the same: avoid foods that will not provide you with health; when consuming them, use moderation; and increase the foods that really bring benefits to your body, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. In case of doubts and for more information, always consult your nutritionist.
Physical activities are also important and should be practiced frequently by people who are concerned about their health and aesthetics and want to avoid the accumulation of fat in the abdominal region. The habit of practicing them and associating them with a good diet are fundamental for a healthy body and life.
The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.
Tais Romanelli
Journalist graduated in 2009 (58808/SP), freelance writer since 2013, totally adept at working from home. Communicative, always full of topics to talk about and inspiration to write. Responsible at work and outside of it; dedicated to commitments and the people with whom she lives; in love with family, dogs, home, the sea, moments of tranquility and also excitement.
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