Pregnancy is a unique moment. Several changes occur in the female body, some pleasant, others not so much. One of them is the so-called linea nigra, a dark vertical line that appears in the middle of pregnancy, going from one end of the belly to the other.
Want to know more about it? So, continue with us! We interviewed a dermatologist who clarified all doubts about the linea nigra. Check it out!
what is the linea nigra
According to dermatologist Simone Veloso (CRM: 52.55218-1), the linea nigra is a dark vertical mark in the middle of the belly, being softer or well marked, depending on the woman. It can appear just below the belly button or throughout the abdomen.
The changes that occur in the skin during pregnancy are divided into: physiological, specific and altered. The linea nigra is an example of a physiological change, which affects about 90% of pregnant women.
Every pregnant woman is prone to presenting the linea nigra. It is an absolutely normal phenomenon and the cause of its occurrence is the pigmentation that the skin of the abdomen presents when it stretches to accommodate the baby.
So, if you are pregnant and the linea nigra appeared, don’t worry. As stated above, it is absolutely normal. See your gynecologist if you feel the need for follow-up.
3 frequently asked questions about the linea nigra
The appearance of the linea nigra during pregnancy is often a reason for many doubts. See some of them:
What are the main causes? The main cause stems from hormonal changes, such as elevations of estrogen, progesterone, Beta HCG, prolactin, among others. In addition to the linea nigra, during pregnancy there is darkening of other regions of the body, such as breasts, armpits, face and inner thighs. Another cause is the increased production of melanocytes (the cells that produce melanin) in the pregnant woman’s body.
When happens? Usually from the second trimester of pregnancy. Around the eighth week of pregnancy, a shadow is noticed that darkens until it becomes the dividing line on the pregnant woman’s belly.
When does it disappear? It tends to disappear, naturally, up to 12 weeks after giving birth. However, brunette women take a little longer to lose the linea nigra, and it is even possible that it doesn’t disappear.
What few know is that, in fact, the line already exists before pregnancy, being called linea alba, the same color as the rest of the skin. So, at the slightest sign of the linea nigra, don’t be alarmed. As you have seen, it usually disappears naturally after giving birth. There’s nothing to worry about!
Linea nigra care
Even though it is a natural phenomenon, the linea nigra requires a series of care taken by the pregnant woman. Check out some of them:
- Avoid sun exposure: especially at peak times. And at all other times, use plenty of sunscreen.
- Hydrate your skin well: use a good moisturizer daily to help maintain elasticity and facilitate postpartum skin recovery. Also drink lots of water!
- Take care of your diet: take the opportunity to enrich your menu with whole foods rich in folic acid and calcium, such as chickpeas, broccoli and beans.
Therefore, be sure to take all the care indicated to keep the linea nigra well treated during pregnancy and promote its rapid disappearance after delivery.
Now that you know everything about the linea nigra, how about reading a little about the main changes in pregnancy and learning a lot more? Enjoy!