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7 tips to become a calmer, more mature and productive person

The years pass, the metabolism slows down, the first expression marks appear and you realize that you are no longer a teenager.

If maturity brings some signs that we don’t like very much, it also helps us to be calmer and more centered, as we learn to take charge of our lives.

At least, that’s how we’d like it to be, right? Unfortunately, we know that some days are real challenges for our existence, even more so when everything and everyone seems to want to take us seriously.

Keep calm and breathe: it is possible to remain balanced and act wisely even when the world seems to collapse around us. Check out the tips:

1.Keep in mind: it’s you who matters

We live comparing ourselves to other people in terms of the fittest body, the fattest salary, the nicest clothes… But, in fact, what really matters is how satisfied you are with yourself.

After all, you are the only person who knows all the pains and delights of being who you are, right?

2. Stop overthinking

“What does this message with a little smile mean? And that all formal email? Could it be that my mother-in-law was nice because, in fact, she is plotting against me?”

These are examples that cross our minds when we think too much and try to interpret every comma around us. Just as only you know yourself, it’s impossible to decipher another person’s intentions without talking to them. Relax.

3. Laugh at yourself

Don’t take life too seriously and don’t take yourself too seriously either. No matter how professional, dedicated and responsible you are, sometimes things will get out of hand and you will end up messing up. The tip for these occasions is: laugh at yourself!

4. Work first, then play

If as a child you needed to do your homework first so you could play, know that this doesn’t change after we grow up. What changes is that, now, we are the ones who need to have the discipline to fulfill our obligations first.

If possible, work with what you enjoy – or at least try to find motivation in your work – and your days will become lighter. With the task accomplished, the fun will be much better.

5. Cut the gossip

It can be very tempting to find out about all the goofs, but you’ll definitely save more time and energy if you stay away from the so-called.

This goes for the gym class, the group of mothers and the people at work, ok? When you realize that the backbiting is going to start, think about whether it’s really worth wasting time on that conversation. If it doesn’t add anything to your life, cut it out!

6. Take your responsibility

Is your salary low because your boss doesn’t give you the opportunity to grow? Did you put on a few pounds because your friends insisted that you eat a piece of cake? Did you arrive late because the traffic was in chaos?

Well, enough of blaming others. Assume all the responsibilities and consequences of your actions and take the reins of your life.

7. Smile and wave

When someone is pissing you off, reflect for a few moments: is it better to get into an argument to prove your point or just relax and move on with your life?

Often, the best option is to simply smile and wave, not getting too affected by mean comments, unsolicited hunches, or unnecessary rudeness. You will gain time and energy to take care of what really matters.

It’s not easy to stay calm and act mature at all times, however, with daily training, it becomes more natural to control impulses and be less bothered by day-to-day problems. Good luck!

The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.

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