Home » Guidance » 7 Exercises to improve your abs without getting up from your chair

7 Exercises to improve your abs without getting up from your chair

To stay in shape it is very important to eat well and exercise. We know that everyday life is increasingly hectic, but that doesn’t have to be an impediment. There are some exercises you can do without leaving your home.

Check out some workouts that help work your abs and waist muscles that you can do while sitting at home, at work and even in front of the television.

1. Warming

This exercise helps warm up your muscles, which is important regardless of the duration of your workout.

Execution technique:

Sit on the edge of a chair and place your hands on your knees. Lean your body back, straining your abdomen muscles. Your back can touch the back of the chair, but don’t support your full weight. Return to the starting position slowly. Do 10 to 12 repetitions.

2. Turns for the oblique abdominal muscles

This exercise works your oblique abdominal muscles and helps to slim your waist.

Execution technique:

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Bend your arms and place them behind your head. Slowly rotate your torso to the right. Your legs and hips should remain still. Hold this position for 3 seconds, then turn to the left. Do 10 turns to each side.

3. Forward leans

4. Knees to chest

This exercise works your oblique abs, straight abs, and hip muscles.

Execution technique:

The starting position is sitting, preferably with a straight back. Bring one knee to your chest, hold it with your hands and stay in this position for 3 seconds. Return to the starting position. Do 15 repetitions with each leg.

5. Knees to chest + stretch your legs

To work the upper and lower abdominal muscles you must use your legs. Before performing the exercise, make sure the chair is secure.

Execution technique:

Lean your body back and bring your feet together. Bring your knees to your chest and stay in that position for 3 seconds. Stretch your legs and remain in this position for another 3 seconds. Bend your legs slowly and bring your knees to your chest. Then, stretch them again. Repeat the flexion and extension cycle 10 times. Then return to the starting position.

6. Rotation of bent knees

This exercise works the straight and oblique abdominal muscles.

Execution technique:

The starting position is like the previous exercise. Bend your legs and bring your knees to your chest. Start making circles with your legs. Not just with your toes, but with your entire leg, to feel your abs work. Do 10 cycles in each direction.

7. Scissors


The advantage of these exercises is simplicity. Of course, in relation to weight loss, in addition to exercise, it is important to think about food. These tips will help you get good results faster:

Respect the recommended amount of daily calories for your age, gender and lifestyle. For example, a 25-year-old sedentary woman should consume around 2,000 calories a day. Check the values ​​indicated in this table. Food must be balanced. It is recommended to get 50% of calories from carbohydrates, 30% from protein and 20% from fat. Products that contain omega 9 prolong the feeling of satiety. It can be found in olive and flaxseed oil, turkey, trout and avocado.

Finally, it is important to mention the importance of talking to a nutritionist and also to a personal trainer. This way, you won’t be at risk of getting injured.

Illustrator Sergey Raskovalov exclusive to Incrível.club

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