When women seek to have a serious relationship with a man and start a romantic life, they will look for certain aspects in him to decide if they will finally start a life by his side or not. Meeting a man to have a good time is not the same as meeting him to decide if he will be your stable partner or not. From unCOMO we want you to know 5 things women love about men so that you can better understand all the aspects that really drive us crazy.
Economic independence Good hygiene Positivity That has personality A pack of good characteristics
Economic independence
One of the things women love about men is that they have economic independence. It is not a good feeling for a relationship to have to pay for all of another person’s expenses because they are not financially solvent nor do they intend to be financially solvent. This does not mean that a man should have all the money in the world, but it does mean that he is able to contribute to the household or pay his own expenses.
A woman does not like a man to be financially dependent on others. For example, a man who has a nice house thanks to his parents buying it for him will be showing that he is a comfortable, conformist person without aspirations own. A woman does not want this for a serious relationship.
Good hygiene
Another thing that women love about men is that they are hygienic.. It seems obvious but on too many occasions this is conspicuous by its absence. Dressing well and looking good is essential, as well as being neat and smelling good (clean, for example). You never know when a man may meet the woman of his dreams and it is very important that he fulfills this maxim every day.
It is necessary for men to clean themselves with good products and to shower every day. In addition, there are perfumes that women love. It never hurts to have these perfumes in the bathroom closet to perfume yourself every day. And a style specific to masculine aesthetics cannot be missing!
In this other article we discover 7 things that women don’t understand about men.
A negative man will only attract negative energies and women don’t want that. Being a positive person does not mean that you have to be a happy person every day of your life, positivity is an attitude towards life, towards problems… It is looking for solutions when things go wrong, seeing the glass half full.
All people are attracted to others who have a positive attitude towards life, regardless of whether they are looking for a partner or not. But it is clear that positive energy will make a relationship more likely to go well than to go badly. A person who responds that her day is going fantastic can be wonderful for a relationship.
That has personality
Women love men who have personality and that this one, if possible, is charming. But not all men have a personality that attracts women. A man should work to improve his body language and understand women’s non-verbal language so he will know what they mean when words fail.
Furthermore, it is also important that you be assertive in your behavior. Women like men who are not fickle in their behavior. Having a good ego and believing in yourself and your decisions is a good start, but you will also need to be assertive when expressing your ideas or thoughts.
As difficult as it may seem, it is important for a woman that a man is able to put another person in his place or put himself in the other person’s shoes. The empathy and assertiveness In a man they will always be good points in his favor.
In this other article we tell you how to understand women better.
A pack of good features
Furthermore, women also take into account Other features in men to be able to take it into account for future partners, for example:
That they are sociable That they know how to listen That they can be trusted That they are respected by others and that they know how to respect That they have characteristics of an alpha male That they are intelligent That they have a good humor That they are passionate and a good lover That they have ambitions in life
If you want to read more articles similar to 5 things women love about menwe recommend that you enter our Sentimental Relationships category.