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5 buddha bowl recipes for a complete meal

Buddha bowls are usually Vegetarian bowls that combine all the food groups. They are complete and nutritious, for this reason they are eaten as a single dish. You don’t need to eat anything else, not even for dessert.

Are the perfect recipe to get creative. They have their own anatomy, since they are visually divided into three parts that bring together whole grains, vegetable proteins, seeds, nuts, algae, fermented vegetables and lots of vegetables of all types and colors.

The ideal balance in a buddha bowl

The Harvard dish, considered the basis of what a healthy menu should contain, serves as a guideline for making buddha bowls. The ideal is to organize by rooms.

The protein foods they should occupy a quarter of the budha bowl. Another room corresponds to the carbohydrates. The remaining half is for vegetablesthe real protagonists.

We can distinguish three types of vegetables to include in our buddha bowl from the botanical and energetic point of view:

The roots and tubers They grow underground and can be eaten raw, pickled, fermented, steamed, sautéed, stewed, baked, blanched, or boiled. Those that grow close to the ground and they are usually round like pumpkins, onions, cabbage, cauliflower… These vegetables allow more intense and prolonged cooking. The green leafy ones They are refreshing and cleansing, optimal for maintaining cardiovascular and liver health. Its season is mainly spring and summer. Better to eat them fresh and avoid frozen, precooked or canned.

Following you will find five buddha bowl recipes. , although you can also invent your own combinations with some of these ideas to compose your own buddha bowls.

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In all the recipes that I present to you, the ingredients are calculated to serve 4 to 6 servings, according to the size of the bowl, the appetite and the energy needs of each one. as you will see, each buddha bowl requires 4 or 5 preparations not too complex.

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