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40 phrases about criticism to free yourself from judgments

Never accept constructive criticism from someone who has never built anything.

If you don’t get any criticism, you probably don’t have any success.

Malcolm X

When you blame and criticize others, you are avoiding some truth about yourself.

Criticizing is very easy, I’d like to see you do better.

Don’t point the finger at me. Only I know my value, nobody scares me, I already know the pain.

Filipe Ret

Not everyone will like what you do. It takes self-love to understand this and move on.

The envious is like this: he observes you, criticizes you and, in the end, ends up imitating you.

Your story is nobody’s business. Do not lower your head before the fingers that are raised.

Enemies are not always evil, as their negative reviews cheer us up and challenge us to prove how capable we are.

Paulo Coelho

They criticize you because they don’t have the courage to be in your place.

Those who do nothing are always ready to criticize those who do.

Oscar Wilde

People ask you for criticism, but they only want praise.

William Somerset Maugham

There are many to criticize you, but to help you, they all disappear.

Never react emotionally to criticism. Analyze yourself to determine if they are justified. If so, correct yourself. Otherwise, continue living normally.

Norman Vincent Peale

If the criticisms leveled at you are true, don’t complain; if they aren’t, don’t call them.

Chico Xavier

You are not the critics that make you.

Don’t judge me, you know my name, not my story!

We should take a long look at ourselves before we think about judging others.


Don’t accept criticism from those who don’t know your struggles.

Those who judge people don’t have time to love them.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Listening more to learn than to criticize.

Everyone wants to be respected for what they think, but no one wants to listen without criticizing.

You have the right to speak your mind, but you don’t have the right to judge someone you don’t know.

Charlie Brown Jr.

Anyone who hasn’t been by your side to support your success has no right to criticize your mistakes.

To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.

Seek to understand so as not to criticize without knowing.

If you are always criticizing others, you don’t have time to reflect on your own mistakes.

Children need role models more than criticism.

It’s one thing for you to think you’re on the right path, it’s another to think your path is the only one. We can never judge the lives of others, because each one knows his own pain and resignation.

Paulo Coelho

He who has the attitude of judging others does not have the ability to judge himself.

The worst criticism is the one we make about ourselves.

Criticism and praise are welcome, but if you are going to criticize, do better first.

Nobody recognizes the successes, but when we make mistakes, everyone wants to criticize.

Every time you judge someone, you reveal a part of you that needs healing.

Criticism is the motivation for success.

Don’t criticize someone who did something wrong without seeing what you also did wrong.

Injustice is judging others more harshly than yourself.

Because appearances can be deceiving, I chose to criticize less and welcome more.

Less criticism, more kindness!

Compliments don’t elevate me, criticism doesn’t shake me. I am what I am and not what they say.

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