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70 motivational success quotes that will inspire you

Lowering your head will only drive you further and further away from your dreams. Be persistent!

Isabela Cantieri

Don’t be afraid of failure. Be afraid not to try.

Roy T. Bennett

If you truly believe in what you do and are willing to work hard, then you are likely to succeed.

Pierre Omidyar

Perform each action always thinking about taking a step towards your goals.

Isabela Cantieri

20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did. So cast off your moorings, sail away from safe harbor, catch the winds in your sails. Explore, dream, discover.

Mark Twain

You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

Christopher Columbus

Don’t give up just because you failed. Give up if you no longer believe in your business.

Isabela Cantieri

Give your dreams everything you have. And you will be amazed at the energy that arises from within you.

William James

Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.

Vince Lombardi

Your time will come. Believe it!

Isabela Cantieri

The best way to start something is to stop talking and take the first step.

Walt Disney

There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.


Believing in your potential is the main rule for a successful entrepreneur.

Isabela Cantieri

If you can’t do big things, do small things in style.

napoleon hill

It is better to fail at originality than to succeed at imitation.

Herman Melville

Do your best today. That way, tomorrow will be easier.

Isabela Cantieri

To succeed, your desire for success must be greater than your fear of failure.

Bill Cosby

If you can overcome fear and the dangerous feeling of taking risks, amazing things will happen.

Marissa Mayer

Success does not choose gender or color. He chooses people who give their blood for what they believe.

Isabela Cantieri

I knew I wouldn’t regret it if I failed, and I also knew that the only thing I could regret was not trying.

Jeff Bezos

Only those who dare to fail a lot can achieve a lot.

Robert F. Kennedy

Don’t be defined by your past. Build your future and fight.

Isabela Cantieri

Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.

Farrah Gray

Do what you can, with what you have, wherever you are.

Theodore Roosevelt

The greatest wealth you can invest in your business is love.

Isabela Cantieri

Execution plans are more important than ideas. Without it, ideas are just illusions.

Isabela Cantieri

Failure is the spice that gives flavor to success.

Truman Capote

Try 1, 2, 3… countless times. It takes several drafts to get a masterpiece.

Isabela Cantieri

If you’re unsure or don’t know which way to go, seek advice from someone with experience in the field.

Kyle Bragger

Many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.

Les Brown

You can even start small, but your thinking always has to be big.

Isabela Cantieri

I never failed. I just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.

Thomas Edison

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck.

Dalai Lama

The great entrepreneurs would not have achieved success if they had given up.

Isabela Cantieri

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind, not with it.

Henry Ford

Skill can get you to the top, but it takes character to stay there.

Stevie Wonder

Be strong and resilient. There is no wind that can destroy a well-structured root.

Isabela Cantieri

Accept the unknown, because often what you don’t know ends up becoming your greatest asset. It is with him, after all, that you will do different things.

Sara Blakely

Sometimes we look so long at a door that closes that we see another one that is open too late.

Alexander Graham Bell

You need to be well resolved with yourself to run a company. Assume who you are!

Isabela Cantieri

The secret to making dreams come true can be summed up in four C’s: curiosity, confidence, courage and constancy, and the biggest of these is confidence.

Walt Disney

Don’t go where the path takes you. Instead, go where there is no path and leave a trail.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

You will encounter difficulties along the way. You will fail. But never let that stop you from trying.

Isabela Cantieri

For a good entrepreneur, the word “give up” is not in the vocabulary.

Isabela Cantieri

Today may have been a bad day, but tomorrow is a new day. Do not give up!

Isabela Cantieri

Have a lot of love for what you do. He is the one who will move you through the most difficult times.

Isabela Cantieri

Having a good and reliable team is essential. It’s easier to get to the top in a group than alone.

Isabela Cantieri

Sometimes life puts great difficulties in our way for us to learn from them. Watch out for the signs!

Isabela Cantieri

As long as you have more reasons to smile than to cry, don’t give up!

Isabela Cantieri

Having good communication makes the difference in any business. Optimize your time!

Isabela Cantieri

Never treat an employee in a way you would not want to be treated. They are critical to your success.

Isabela Cantieri

It’s much easier to succeed when you know exactly where you want to go.

Isabela Cantieri

Be very careful to separate your personal and professional life. When mixed too much, one can end up with the other.

Isabela Cantieri

Always put yourself in the consumer’s shoes. When launching something, be sure to ask yourself: would I spend my money on it?

Isabela Cantieri

It’s never too late to be what you could have been.

George Eliot

It’s easier to fix small mistakes than to fix big damages. Don’t let the bad things accumulate.

Isabela Cantieri

Set aside time for you to have leisure and do what you love. You have to let your mind calm to come up with new ideas.

Isabela Cantieri

When you feel like throwing it all away, remember fondly why you started.

Isabela Cantieri

Know how to recognize that each member of your team is very important to the final result.

Isabela Cantieri

Take good care of your business and create a pleasant place. An attractive environment is essential to obtain good results.

Isabela Cantieri

Success requires patience. Whoever hits it too quickly is also forgotten too quickly.

Isabela Cantieri

A company’s greatest values ​​are those that cannot be bought with money.

Isabela Cantieri

A successful entrepreneur must be able to recognize every name that has made it possible for him to get where he is.

Isabela Cantieri

Don’t waste time. He is as valuable as money.

Isabela Cantieri

There may even be many companies like yours, but believe me, no one is like you. Make use of this differential!

Isabela Cantieri

Sometimes you will spend more time at the company than at your own home. So take care of her with care.

Isabela Cantieri

Humility and honesty must be fundamental to managing your company.

Isabela Cantieri

I know you will still get there. I’ve already booked a front-row seat to applaud you when your acknowledgment arrives.

Isabela Cantieri

Being an entrepreneur is not like a flower garden. There are sunny days, but also stormy days. The important thing is not to stop watering.

Isabela Cantieri

A person who has never made mistakes has never tried anything new.

Albert Einstein

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