Know that my upset is easy to cure: just hug me!
Be careful with the words! What for you is just a joke, in me, hurts and makes me upset.
What makes me upset is not having lost a friend, it’s having believed that our friendship was true.
There are days when everything bothers me! I don’t want to talk or go out or do anything. I just want to disappear.
Stop asking me why I’m upset and start thinking about what you did to me!
30 phrases from one day after another that will renew your strength
How can you break my heart and pretend it’s alright? I’m so upset!
When I don’t achieve my goals, I get upset with myself and feel like I’ve failed.
Stop and think about what is making you upset. Maybe it’s time to make a decision and do what’s best for your emotional health.
Oh, life that bores me! It seems the more I move, the more stagnant I become. I’m so tired.
Just leave me alone in my corner, I’ll excuse you, but now I need time because I’m so upset.
40 sad heart phrases that will ease the pain
Having friends is knowing that at times you will be upset, but you can always express what is bothering you.
From disappointment to disappointment, love goes down the drain and the upset heart is immersed in sadness.
Baby, my upset is my way of saying: I’m needy, I need your lap.
Don’t be upset and don’t give importance to those who don’t care about you. Value your self-esteem.
Everything upsets me! Sometimes I get upset because no one noticed that I was upset.
Upset, yes! Idiot, never again! I chose to value those who deserve my love.
Sometimes it feels like life is plotting against me. Nothing goes right and I get immensely upset.
Hell, I valued our friendship and you stabbed me in the back. I want you to know that my heart is very upset with you.
There are days when I wake up upset with myself and even fight with the mirror! It’s hard to live with my annoyances.
My girlfriend thinks everything is on her time. It feels like I have no more life! It upsets me so much.
40 phrases of sadness with life to enjoy the bad moments
Are you all right? Are you upset with me? Can I help with anything? Do you want a hug? It’s everything you’d like to hear, but the person doesn’t touch it.
I’m pissed at you for hurting me, but I’m even more pissed at myself for creating expectations.
Don’t make amends to someone while you’re upset, as you may regret your words. Be silent, reflect and calm your heart.
Don’t put expectations in your relationships, because the chances of this generating upset are great. Just accept that each person has a way of getting involved.
It’s easy to know when I’m upset. I have a meter of beak and a frown.
What bothers me the most is being next to someone and that person being far away from me.
I don’t make a point of hiding my annoyance! It’s good to know you made a big, rude mistake.
Today the sun did not shine, the birds did not sing and the flowers withered. I’m so upset with life.
Friend, what you don’t know is that seeing you upset also makes me upset. How about a reconciliation hug?
There are people who will do anything to annoy us when we are well. Stay away from those who can’t stand the happiness of others.
From annoyance to annoyance, the heart becomes bitter. Cherish the little joys in life.
It’s not enough to apologize, you have to act and decide to change. Don’t you get tired of nagging me?
The best remedy against boredom is self-love. A little pride is good for the heart.
Tired of everything, upset with everyone and without perspective. There comes a time when life is a dead end street.
Looks like you like to see me upset. Sorry, but the error persists. I’m getting tired!