God knows what he does! God knows what he takes away, God knows what he brings.
God’s plans are just like that. Mystery for those who trust, surprising for those who wait. Wonder for those who believe and blessing for those who receive.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
God’s plans are bigger than mine. He does the best for me.
Let us hold fast to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
Hebrews 10:23
30 phrases of trust in God to surrender your life in His hands
Commit to the Lord everything you do, and your plans will succeed.
Proverbs 16:3
Everything that is yours will come to you, not by chance, but by God’s plans.
Many are the wonders, O Lord my God, which you have done for us, and your thoughts cannot be counted before you; if I wanted to announce them, and talk about them, they are more than can be counted.
Psalms 40:5
God, I don’t know Your plans for my life, but You know my ways. Take care of me!
No plan of God can be stopped.
30 Biblical phrases of hope to have faith and always believe
One of the few certainties I have in this world is that God has a plan for my life and will not leave me alone.
We don’t know what we do, but God knows exactly how he works in our lives.
The goals are ours, the plans are God’s.
It’s no use shouting when something doesn’t go as we wanted, God acts in mysterious ways.
Men’s plans are flawed, only God’s plans are perfect.
When God changes our plans, it’s because something will get better.
Every person on this Earth is a perfect plan of God and made with lots of love.
Chance does not exist, what exists is God and His plans.
God’s plans for your life are much bigger than your problems.
Every encounter we have in this life is part of God’s plans. Just have faith and trust!
50 phrases of deliverance from God to thank you for all the care
Life becomes lighter from the moment we understand that God’s plans are bigger and better than ours.
God didn’t say that all my plans would work out. He said that His plans would not go wrong.
Trust God with your life. Let Him guide his steps today and forevermore.
Sometimes life surprises us and knocks us down, but God knows what he’s doing and is always there to lift us up.
I learned that there is only one plan that can go wrong: the one that is not in God’s plan.
God’s plans are mysterious and we often don’t understand. But they are always the best for us.
Life as a whole is a perfect plan of God.
I don’t know how God will do it, but I know it will be perfect.
I lay my life at Your feet, Lord. Guide me and do your will!
My life is all of the Lord. For He knows what is best for me.
Trusting in God’s plans makes challenges seem easier, for He is always ahead.
How beautiful it is to see God working in our lives. How beautiful are His plans!
What we often see as an obstacle, God sees as a lesson we need to learn.
May God take away the anguish from my heart, may I be able to see certainty in His plans!
God’s plans are not just good things. After all, it is through battles that we also learn.
Trust your life to the Lord, for He is the master of everything and holder of all plans.
I may not understand, but I know well that Your plans are better and bigger than mine, Lord.
God’s plans are always better than mine, and unfortunately, I sometimes forget that.
Lord, guide me through Your plans, through Your works and through Your love.
When we trust God, we know that His plans are greater than any of our will.