Home » Guidance » 19 People Who Thought They’d Just Have One More Taxi Ride But Had Experiences Hard To Forget

19 People Who Thought They’d Just Have One More Taxi Ride But Had Experiences Hard To Forget

Taxi service has long ceased to be a luxury for the few. Today, thousands of people opt for this transport as a way to have greater comfort and reach their destination faster. However, what often seems like a simple journey from “A” to “B” can become an epic race, which passengers and drivers alike will not forget.

we, from awesome.club, we love unconventional stories. That’s why we decided to read the testimonies of taxi drivers and passengers about the most unusual trips of their lives. Check out!

I went to visit my parents in our hometown. I left the airport and took the first taxi I could find. We started talking a little, then we went in silence for about 30 minutes. I suddenly realized I hadn’t told him the address. I was scared to death! Where was this man taking me?! With a shaky voice, I asked, “Where are you taking me?” Him: “Home. Where did you want?” Me: “And how do you know where I live?” He said my parents’ full home address. My head started to spin a thousand times… Then he turned around and explained: “Calm down, don’t worry. I’m your former classmate, Samuel. Do not you remember me?” © Ирина Куликова / Facebook

Once, a taxi driver arrived in a very small car. And he wasn’t alone: ​​there were two huge husky dogs in the back seat. They were the driver’s dogs. We went on the trip in four: me, the taxi driver and the two dogs, who, by the way, were very well behaved.

I had a race with a “modern” taxi driver. For 20 minutes he told me things like: “giving birth at 14 is normal, it could even be earlier”. Or “the woman needs to have the baby at home. Maternity wards are only for divorcees.” Or even: “doctors make women tense, so it’s better that they stay relaxed at home”. He said something similar should be done with constipation. I regretted asking so much how he was… © Злой медик / Vk

“I didn’t take any taxi in Istanbul, but a Lamborghini Urus”.

“That moment when your parents give you the world, but you still want to know what it would be like to work.” © Toadstool913 / Reddit

He worked as a taxi driver. A passenger next to me was on the phone with some customer service: “No, you didn’t go to the correct address… No, no… My building is white. This, this… Well, who else in this area could be ordering live alpacas?!” © PonderQuestions / Reddit

I called a taxi to go to the doctor. I got in the car and the driver said, “Um, I don’t know you.” I kept silent. Taxi driver: “I have lived in this building on the 12th floor since 1975”. Me: “Well, I haven’t lived here since 1975, but I seem to have been your neighbor for about eight years”. © agi_wanijima / Twitter

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I needed to take my daughter to music class and I ordered a taxi. The taxi driver was a woman. I opened the back left door for my daughter to enter and closed it. I walked around the vehicle to get in from the other side. When I put my hand on the door handle, the car started to move! With my daughter inside. Grabbing the doorknob, I started to run screaming for the woman to stop. I didn’t run much, only about 10 meters. Fortunately, the car stopped and I got in. I spent the journey calming my daughter, who was very frightened by the situation. She said a few things, too, to the driver—politely, but very nervously. © VerPath / Pikabu

“Today, a very friendly taxi driver took me”

My friend, who is a taxi driver, told me this story. A young man was late for work and ordered a taxi. The vehicle has arrived. The driver said something to the passenger, but the boy paid no attention, opened the back door and got into the car. The taxi driver yelled, “Why did you open the door?” The passenger was confused: “To sit in the car, of course”. The passenger had to spend the entire trip holding the door, as it was broken and could come loose at any moment. It must have been an exciting race for him. © Diksha / Quora

Me and four friends went to visit another city and we ordered a taxi to take us from the airport to the hotel. The driver looked a little dubious and we were quite nervous. It was already dark on the street and he took us to a park with almost no lighting. At that moment, the man stopped the vehicle, got out and went towards the trunk. One of my friends yelled, “He went to get a screwdriver!” We took off running, each to one side. The man then spent a good deal of time hunting us through the park. What happened was a flat tire and he just wanted to fix it. We who got it all wrong… © Larisa Bashkina / Facebook

I worked as a taxi driver. I well remember a race where I took two ladies and they asked me to wait outside a store. They spent 30 minutes inside the place and came back with about 10 air balloons. The balloons took up the space in the back seat in such a way that they were really blocking my vision to drive. When we arrived at the final address, I told them that our company provided the opportunity for customers to leave a tip if they wanted to. I never said this to any passengers, but this situation made me very uncomfortable. The women just laughed, got out of the car with their balloons and one of them even slammed the car door hard. They didn’t leave any tips. © Steven Papier / Quora

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I am disabled from birth: I don’t have arms or legs, so I use prostheses to get around. In one night, I called a taxi through the app and gave the exact departure address. I was waiting at the exit of the building when I saw the vehicle go straight and stop about 100 meters ahead of where I was. I asked the driver to come back. In response, he said, “Don’t you have the legs to come here?!” What was the poor boy’s surprise when he heard me say, “Exactly. I don’t have”. I don’t think I need to say that the rest of the trip was in total silence. © proudman / Pikabu

I was 16 years old. I spent the day at my aunt’s house, and in the evening she called a taxi to take me back to town. I talked to the driver on the trip and told him I was an orphan. He took a deep breath, changed course sharply and headed in the opposite direction. When he was already at the height of panic, he said: “There, we’re here. This is my house”. A woman came running to meet him, bags in hand. The man handed me everything and said, “Prove it.” Coats, blouses, pants, there were lots of clothes. It was winter and I always wore the same coat and the same boots. I didn’t want to accept, but he packed everything and took me to my college dorm, where I lived. He also left me his number and told me to call if I needed anything else. © “Подслушано” / Vk

I once had a very strange run. It was a long journey, more than an hour, and during that time, the taxi driver violated at least a dozen traffic laws: he made a U-turn in the middle of the road outside the roundabout, took the wrong turn three times, even with the GPS on. and for the entire trip, the radio wouldn’t stop squeaking. I was even afraid to say anything to her. The highlight of all this was that, when I arrived at the destination, I got out of the car and she went the wrong way down the one-way street. © enottweet / Pikabu

I have a small Yorkie. At the time, she was still a puppy and I needed to take her to the vet, so I called a taxi and told her she would be with an animal. The car arrived and I got in with my dog ​​on my lap, under my coat. Halfway through, she stuck her nose out and the driver got scared and stopped the vehicle abruptly. I was in shock and the man asked, “What do you have there? Why did a muzzle come out of your coat?” I had to get out of the car and order another taxi. © Наталья Мазина / Facebook

I once picked up an elderly female passenger on the way out of one of the best universities in town. A young man helped her into the car. I asked who the young man was and she replied that he was one of her students. She was 86 years old and still teaching computer science. We talked for about 45 minutes and I realized that this lady was really very smart. Upon arriving at the destination, she tipped me five dollars. I said I didn’t need to, as the conversation had been very pleasant, but she replied: “I didn’t ask if you need it, I just gave you the money”. I’ve had over 3,600 cab rides, but this one was the best. © Arthur McBeth / Quora

“I’ve seen several photos of treats that many taxi drivers buy to offer passengers. However, when we got into taxi driver Elena’s car, we found the kit above! I want her to know that she managed to make some passengers very happy with the delights and products offered”.

Year 2005, 5 am, train station. I waved at a street taxi and got into the first car that stopped. Shortly after we started the race, he stopped at a gas station and asked me to pay for the fuel, as I was the first passenger of the day and he had no money. I paid and we moved on. I asked him about four times to turn the music down, but I was ignored. I patted the man on the shoulder, saying I was already getting a headache and he replied, “Oh, I’m sorry, I’m a little deaf.” At that time, I couldn’t stand it and asked: “But your vision is fine, right?!” Well, we arrived at my friend’s neighborhood and the taxi driver asked: “And now, where are we going?” He didn’t have a map or GPS, so we spent about 20 minutes trying to find the house. Yes, it was an unforgettable trip… © Anna Dziuba / Facebook

What interesting taxi ride stories could you share with us? Write in the comments!

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