What is nothing more than a vine when viewed from one angle may look like a large elephant when viewed from another. Also, a simple shade can leave anyone with a nice pair of fishnets; and even tire tracks can make a nice 3D click. Taking a dubious photo is no easy task, as it requires the perfect angle — something we can easily miss if we’re positioned in the wrong place. Fortunately, there is no shortage of examples of people who were in the right place at the ideal time.
Many internet users have already published their most intriguing photos on the web, and it is clear that the awesome.club brings the most curious ones in this article. Check out!
1. “These vines in my neighborhood look like an elephant”
2. “My dog has no body…”
3. “Mirror for sale: but does it come with boots in the shape of giant feet?”
4. “I thought this pedal was a push-up device”
5. “The trekking pole was not mine”
6. A trailer with a new kind of extension
7. “A giant squirrel was seen across the street”
8. “Hello, human…”
9. “My cat’s head looks transparent”
10. A two-headed dragon
11. “A chick with a paw in the tail”
12. Looks like we have a new race here…
13. “We went hiking and it looks like I only have one leg”
14. A very long violin bow
15. “I’m not sure if I should look at the shadow, the stone or the plate…”
16. “These tire tracks look like 3D”
17. We have a flying dog here, or else…
In your opinion, which of the images above is the most capable of confusing the eyes? Have you ever taken a photo with a similar effect? It would be really cool if you could publish it with your comment!