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15 Actions That Should Be Simple, But We Have a Habit of Complicating It

Life is full of simple tricks that can make everyday tasks a lot easier. Sometimes things are much simpler than we think. For example, cake mixes used to have eggs in their recipes, but people were more likely to buy cake mixes if they had to add an egg. It’s almost in our nature to complicate simple actions and ignore basic life tricks.

O awesome.club compiled a list of things you should stop doing wrong ASAP.

1. Cool the drinks

There’s a great trick for quickly chilling a drink. Just wrap it in a damp paper towel and place it in the freezer. You will have a cold drink in just 15 minutes if the size is a 600 ml bottle (allow a little more time if the bottle is bigger). In the end, the frozen paper towel just slides off. A metal straw can also help keep your drink cold, improve its taste, and even help the environment because you can reuse it, avoiding the use of a plastic straw.

2. Eat an apple

The image of a bitten apple is so iconic that it’s hard to imagine eating the fruit any other way. But you are wrong! Eating an apple from one side is the perfect way to waste about a third of the fruit! Eating from the top down will help you eat as much of the fruit as possible. Think of the money you would save. And it’s beautiful to see too: just look at this star!

3. Squeeze toothpaste

4. Peel a banana

Bananas have tricked you all your life. Most people tend to peel them from the stalk part. But doing this from the bottom (the one that doesn’t have a stem) is simpler and helps to eliminate all your threads. Think about that the next time you open a banana.

5. Eat pizza

If you eat pizza holding it in your hands, as people show in pictures (or as is common in the US, for example), you are doing it the wrong way. When eating a slice of pizza, you must fold it in half. Eating your portion this way creates the best dough/filling ratio and makes the task easier. In other words, it works both for those who prefer the dough and for those who like the filling more. There’s no reason not to try. Another advantage is that a calzone is also created.

6. Let nails dry freely

Painting your nails can make your hands look pretty, but it also makes your hands completely useless until the nail polish dries completely. Sure, you could blow your nails, like kids do, but there’s a better way. Running your hand under ice water is a nice, relaxing way to dry nail polish quickly.

7. Using your hands to hold nails, tacks and other sharp objects

8. Iron clothes

If you know how to iron and do it regularly, then you’ve managed to be a functional person. However, there are ways to do this with less work. If you happen to straighten your hair regularly and have a flat iron, you can use it to save time while waiting for the iron to heat up. This way you can also reduce the dents in a quick and practical way.

9. Smile for photos

Did you know that American actress Elizabeth Montgomery didn’t wrinkle her nose on the television series Bewitched, but moved her lips? Facial movements are very graceful. If you are taking a photo and need to smile, you can squint to help make your smile more genuine.

10. Mixing keys

If you spend more than 5 minutes trying to figure out which key opens your front door, there’s a way to simplify things. Just color your keys with nail polish, memorizing the keys by color.

11. Put cables and loose wires in a box

If you have loose cables and wires in your house, you can collect them in a box. You may have already done this, but there’s an easy way to organize them without a lot of work. Cardboard toilet paper rolls are easy to get hold of and are the perfect object to hold loose cords. They also make everything easier to handle. You can also make these rolls using leather.

12. Using a completely open paint can

13. Peel a boiled egg

Trying to peel a hard-boiled egg is so frustrating, it makes you give up eating them at home. Fortunately, there is another way. After cooking the eggs, simply drop them into ice water or ice water. This will make getting the house out of the egg easy. Also, make sure you cook the eggs long enough, or disaster could ensue.

14. Putting a straw in a can

People often want to drink canned soda using a straw. That’s technically fine, but you probably never realized that it can make this task a lot easier. The bent can ring is perfect for holding the straw, preventing it from floating away. But if at all possible, just don’t use a straw and drink straight from the can. The environment thanks you.

15. Do not use all the holes to pass the laces

If you like to run, you will probably buy special running shoes, but it is possible that you do not know how to thread the laces correctly. Have you ever noticed those extra holes in your sneakers? Thread the lace through the opposite hole, tighten and tie at the front as usual. This provides more support for the heel region. See here how to do it.

What do you think of these tricks? Are there any that you know of and want to share?

Tell us in the comments!

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